Jan 16, 2011 15:28
Profiencies: Simple, and Martial Weapons, as well as Light and Medium Armor.
Favored Class: Sorc, If the character takes additional levels of sorcerer, these levels stack with the rakshasa’s base spellcasting ability for spells known, spells per day, and other effects dependent on caster level. A rakshasa character likewise uses the sum of its racial spellcasting levels and class levels to determine the abilities of its familiar.
Skills: 8+ Intelligence modifier
Class skills are Craft [all], Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge Arcana, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession [All], Sense Motive, Spellcraft and Spot,
Automatic Languages: Common, Infernal. Bonus Languages: Sylvan, Undercommon.
Ecl Hd [D10] Bab Fort:Good. Ref: poor. Will: Good
2 1 1 Caster lvl 1, +1 Natural armor +2 con
3 1 1 Dr 5 Good/Piercing, +2 Cha
4 2 2 Caster lvl 2, +1 Natural armor +2 Dex
5 3 3 Caster lvl 3, +1 Natural armor +2 Str
6 3 3 Dr 10 Good and Piercing +2 Con
7 4 4 Caster lvl 4, +1 Natural armor +2 Cha
8 5 5 Caster lvl 5, +1 Natural armor +2 Dex
9 5 5 Dr 15 Good and Piercing +2 Cha
10 6 6 Caster lvl 6, +1 Natural armor +2 Wis
11 7 7 Caster lvl 7. +1 Natural armor +2 Con
12 9 “See Eldricth knight” Extra level to offset ecl
13 10 “See Eldricth knight”
14 11 “See Eldricth knight”
15 13 “See Eldricth knight” Extra level to offset ecl
16 14 “See Eldricth knight”
17 15 “See Eldricth knight”
18 17 “See Eldricth knight” Extra level to offset ecl
19 18 “See Eldricth knight”
20 19 “See Eldricth knight”
21 21 “See Eldricth knight” Extra level to offset ecl
Raciel Abilities,
Medium size.
+4 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks.
A rakshasa’s base land speed is 40 feet.
+2 Int.
+2 Natural armor
Spell Resistence 20 + hd
Detect Thoughts At/Will
Change Shape At/will
Natural Weapons: Bite (1d6) and 2 claws (1d4). [Unlikely to be used]
Darkvision out to 60 feet. [redundant with change shape. ]