Feb 04, 2004 03:51
this entry sucked. it's gone now.
what i meant to say was basically this:
--'livejournals' sicken me, because in today's emotionally repressed society, people use these digital diaries primarily to stifle feelings and impulses that they're too chickenshit or guilty over to actually act on in real life, especially impulses involving anger, or just good-old standing up for yourself. people seem to think that withering subconscious self-disgust is an okay emotion to swamp yourself in and start musical fads over, but simple, understandable anger and indignence are blasphemy. apparently, good people never get angry and hurt people's feelings.
--rather than being used to bitch endlessly about nothing worthwhile, this journal is reserved for the exclusive use of improving my prose. the content of the entries may be at times totally falsified. hopefully, the best written entries will be the complete lies, as this is all about improving my skill as a writer. i'm not here to gossip, or complain, or to vent in the safe, comforting anonymity of the internet. those who know me know that i take the term 'taking a stand' to a new, uncomfortably high level in real life, so don't espect any crybaby emo crap.
--i enjoy comments on my work, both positive, which encourage me to write more, and negative, which antagonize me to write more. i didn't start this journal to socialize, though. so if you want to socialize, you can contact me through some other method.
--on that subject, my 'friends' list is reserved for just that: friends. not passing acquaintances, not total strangers adding to their little collections of names to seem popular (hi, camille), but actual friends of mine, whom i care for, and especially who i believe have something important or meaningful to say. i don't associate with ugly people or morons, so if i link you, do be honored at the compliment, hm? and maybe be inspired by the credit i give your intellect to post something in the future a bit more creative than what you ate for breakfast, or the new online quiz you took? after all, you have an audience here, what are you going to do with it..?
--most of all, when you're here reading my content, don't forget why god has brought you to me: you're sick, and you need healing.