this interview thing that i got from rachel..

Apr 04, 2007 04:36

1.  What's your favorite insult?

“Sheeple”.  I don’t use it a lot, but I’m thinking it most of the time.  I don’t have a lot of respect for how people behave when they’re grouped together and left on their own.  One on one, I’m fine with just about everyone.  It’s easy for me to find a way to get along with individuals.  But interacting with large groups really irritates me in a profound way.  That’s very odd, because I’m a social person, and I’ve discovered that I have the capacity to be a great leader, when I give myself the opportunity. Maybe it bothers me because I feel like I need to be in charge? Wow, I really am a jerk.

2.  What song best illustrates your current mood?

There’s no way not to sound silly when answering this question. "The Line Begins To Blur", by Nine Inch Nails.  I’ve never been able to figure it out, but for most of my life I’ve always had like this worn-out feeling.  It sort of pervades all my moods.  I don’t know if that’s normal.  I don’t mean I’m depressed a lot, and I don’t mean it in like a bored or lazy sense.  Deep down, I always just feel sort of, I don’t know, “grey”.  Maybe I’m not doing what I want to be, or maybe it’s my environment, but I doubt that it’s either.  I’ve got a lot of great things going on in my life, and I'm happy more often than not.  It’s something that I’m carrying around, I guess.  It makes me slow, mentally,  like I’m only running at half-power all the time. It's like I'm always in a fog.  I guess it’s why I’m always so oblivious and dull-witted. Got to make a point of sorting it out one day.

3.  How do you deal with disappointment?

Not so well. I mean, I’m used to it, yeah.   My pragmatic side knows better than to let it affect me in a real way, but my gut reaction is always instant demoralization.  I'm proud of how I've overcome it, though.  I’m not easily deterred now , in fact I’m pretty persistent.  But it can still really drive me crazy on the inside, sometimes.  I’ve learned to either just make myself get over it, or channel into something productive.  My biggest problem now is that I’m really hung up on the idea of “the principle of the thing”.  It makes me push myself really hard sometimes, and other times it makes me irrationally pigheaded.

4.  If a superhero were based on you, what powers would he or she have?

God, don’t ask a nerd something like this, you’re really asking for it. If it were based on preference, then I’ve always liked the Martian Manhunter, and how he could become all ghostlike, intangible. I’d just float around like that all the time.  My favorite superpower, though, is definitely the Multiple Man’s.  How cool would it be to have a million connected clones, living every way and everywhere?

But, if we’re talking about something based on my own nature, though, then I guess that it would have to be something very explosive. I seethe a lot.  I recognize how weak and powerless I am, and I craze that cathartic outlet.   Spontaneous combustion, or firestarting.  Yeah, or maybe earthmoving. I find the idea of dangerous, massive outbursts of power very gratifying on a fundamental level. I imagine that would make it hard for the character to actually be a hero. To tell the truth, I don’t think I have it in me to be a hero.  I’d have to be a villain.

5.  What have you been surprised to discover you liked?

Manual labor.  There’s something deeply satisfying to me about jobs that are both physically taxing and monotonous.  Plus, I hate exercising, so it’s the only way I ever get some healthy activity.  The really good thing, though, is that the harder I work, the more mindless it is, the farther I drift in my head.  I do my best writing, my best painting and drawing, when I come home from working at something strenuous.  I guess that’s no good, operating heavy machinery and dangerous equipment while I’m a million miles away.
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