The premiere went both pretty well and pretty badly. The few days before the screening I was having some really crappy DVD-making problems that slowed down my editing and decreased the quality of the film I wanted to show. I feel really bad about that, especially since some people had come to the screening in February and came to PHS to watch only another incomplete cut of the film. I showed the first half of the film (about an hour and twenty-five minutes), which itself has somewhat of a satisfying conclusion. But I wish I could have shown the second half along with it. I just watched the entire film, and I think the ending is probably the best part about it. I also had to abandon a film shoot I'd planned for "A School Night", which involved Will Gattis.
However, people really enjoyed the film. A lot of people who acted in it - Ms. Pendleton, Mikey J., Joe T., Macoy, Paul C., and others were able to watch some of it for the first time. People really liked it, and it was a more improved cut than what I'd shown in February (however, some random errors slipped in... one shot that made Aaron look like he was underwater, a bad scene transition, and a shot that accidentally included an outtake of Michelle... but the that one actually worked, surprisingly). People seemed to have fun, and I enjoyed watching it from the light booth. I love how the film turned out. I found myself slipping out into the hallway during my acting scenes, though.
The Mark Gennarro Band played before the film. Although I had to miss it to figure out tech problems, I hear they did very well. Thank you!!!
Today I was kind of lazy. This week I'll be concentrating on finishing films, and working on behind-the-scenes stuff for "The Blind Zone", which will be showing on the CW. I'm not really into going to Monhegan on the 19th. I'd like to stay here for a bit longer.
There are a crapload of movies playing that I want to go see. Movies on Exchange, "Hellboy 2", and "The Dark Knight" is coming out soon. Wooooooot.
This is the rough "official" "Monument" poster. I have to work on (a) fonts, (b) background color, (c) the tiny cast/crew list at the bottom, and (d) any tiny image formatting problems.