Prompt #2

Jun 04, 2012 10:39

Hi everyone!

The prompt for the month of June is:

How and why did Jim learn to cook?

This prompt will end on July 1, and we will announce a winner before July 7. The winner’s name, blog url, and links to their submission will be published on our Wall of Fame. Any sort of fan works are eligible: art, photomanips, graphics & gifs, fanfiction of any length, poetry, etc.

All submissions must be sent through the submit option only, and must be approved by the managers before being published on “The Jim Moriarty Continuum” and on our LiveJournal community blog.  NSFW submissions are fine, but will be published with that warning.

Submissions can also be sent to the LJ community:  The winner will be selected from the submissions sent to Tumblr and LJ.

We’re hoping you will all enjoy this prompt and can’t wait to read or see your works!

cooking, prompt#2, june 2012, jim moriarty

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