(no subject)

Sep 26, 2002 00:09

Random thoughts. If you're curious about them further,ask and I'll elaborate.

1-People do not observe. They are blinded to that which occurs beyond and beneath their own little life. Ie, 90% of the people I've asked give me a blank stare if I ask if they think we should attack Iraq. (I'm not judging them based on opinion, but lack thereof.) Same people don't notice the wheat penny or silver dime in their hand. (As I gleefully accept it as tender ^^ Whee!)

2-What's to keep me, aside from logistics, from boating out 16 miles off the coast into International Waters and shooting down Chinese "weather" satelliteswith a welding laser or similar? (I'm asking about legality, and assuming that it's possible to knock down a satelliteswith a welding laser on a boat.)

3-Why do so many complaints and arguements regarding actions by politicians target one party but not another? Selective reporting, it seems, is the norm on large scales.

4-What happens if a hundred year old DVD goes into public domain?..Is it still illegal to DeCSS it?

5-Why is the government selling off the rights of the peoples to the highest bidder?

6-Why is it when you unpack something like a Nintendo that has been boxed for a long time, it's always missing exactly one part from being usable? (Tv adapter is missing for both Atari 2600 and NES. >,<)

7-Why can't you divide by zero?

8-When, or what conditions should be met before computers should be allowed to vote?

9-Why does so much stuff have weird labels regarding California?.. My lead-free (read:No Lead.) solder I use for metalworking warns me about the lead poisioning. Our non-aerosol hairspray is labeled as illegal for sale in California. Our toothpaste at the store was labeled "for export only, not for sale in USA"...and is approved by the Canadian Dental Association.

10-Why doesn't anyone else around here notice that the "watermarks" on a bunch of the bills isn't really a watermark? (You can see it faintly even without light shining thru the bill.) I'd be willing to bet that printing the image of the watermark onto the bill in ink the same color as the face of the bill would result in what I'm seeing.. but Bank says it's real, as does the cops.

11-My attempts at harnessing the power of Copper for my ring-making has failed.. horribly. I think I'll fall back onto using a Wal-Mart parking lot as a stop-gap solution to the lack of Mt.Doom, though.

12-Lady in the store today hates Wal-Mart, refuses to shop there. Asked why, (I can list several reasons one would want to boycott Wally-World), she stumbled out the word "corporation", and couldn't form a coherent complaint against Wal-Mart. Geez. It's not like DG is a whole lot better than Wal-Mart.

13-Alot of parents just don't care.

14-I've got rough design for a time delayed self releasing bolt for use in toilet stalls. I'm bored.

15-The time stone I made three years ago is still sealed away in it's little box. It'd be very funny if the bloody thing actually worked.

16-In SubSpace tonight I managed to kill a high bounty Lev twice.. No one cared. ;-; At one point, it was in base.. second time it was shooting into base.

17-I still think a randomized frequency and amplitiude transmitter would negate the reception of any signals in it's affected area.

18-My wings itch,

19-Communist money. Heh.

20-Aforementioned Anti-Wal-Mart lady responded to my comment "Govn't selling off our rights" with "We don't have any rights anymore.".. After admitting to be one of the abusers of Napster to get illegal music. Hello?.. How many rifles can you own?..Who do you have to ask permission of before leaving town?.. Who votes?

21-Post Script from #20 and #1...These same non-observant people vote. I pointed this out to Mom, but she dodged it.

22-Gah. Mikey's gay. I didn't see that coming.

23-Job opening up soon for 3rd Key at the DG I work at. Apply within...except we've been out of Apps for two days now.

24-I've recovered another box of books. It's the core of my collection from Houston. It's the antiques that I had on my bed's shelf. Sw33t.

25-Hatchet-box still unaccounted for.

26-I wore my new ring to work. It's pretty good. Soon, I shall start giving them away. Heck, I oughta make a website about it, and parody the LOTR. Honestly, I'm considering making and sending rings to some famous people, Pres. Bush included.

27-Post script from #26 and #11. Molten metal is /fun/. ^v^

28-I am done. Comments welcome, I'm a lonely bloke.
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