Dear Writer Letter - ShipSwap

Feb 07, 2014 20:50

Dear ShipSwap Writer,

Thank you for offering some of my rare ships! I would be thrilled to get any story about these, so do not fret if my prompts are not really your cup of tea--I’m really low maintenance when it comes to gift stories, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! As always, the prompts are meant more as a guideline if you’re looking for some extra information beyond just the pairing.

It occurs to me that most of my optional details focus on plots rather than porn, but you shouldn't take it to mean I'm opposed to PWP--just the opposite. I'm just very, very easy and indiscriminating when it comes to them, so my wishlist regarding them is basically all the things.

General likes:

I enjoy all kinds of tropes and cliches (they're cliches because they work!): time travel and time loops, post-apocalyptic stories, road trips, blessed with suck/cursed with awesome, epistolary stories, pretend relationships, as well as AUs of all shapes and sizes--in fact, I think some of these pairings would be almost impossible to write without doing an AU. I also love humour and banter, puns and terrible jokes. Chosen families are a huge weak spot of mine, as are unreliable narrators. Partners or couples who pass the Broccoli Test (or fail it spectacularly).


Character bashing; non-con/dub-con; death of a requested character; fridging.

Things that I'd like to ask you to avoid, since can be potentially triggering for me: gaslighting and partner abuse, be it physical or emotional, as well as using weapons (knives, guns) in a sexual context (though competent handling of weapons outside of sex is a-okay).

The fandom-specific parts:
(shorter prompts by no means indicate I want it filled less than the others)

(If threesomes are your thing, Felicity/Digg/Oliver or Felicity/Sara/Oliver would also be great, as well as adding Nyssa to any of the pairings.)

I started watching for ridiculous comic book fun, and then stuck around because it's one of the best written network TV shows right now, and I love how they approach the canon and twist it just enough to make the adaptation so much better. Also, the salmon ladder and how the visuals so clearly represent the female gaze, and all the found family moments that push all my narrative buttons. As you can see from the pairings I chose, I'm almost all about the ladies here, because there are so many amazing ones on the show.

Some of these pairings would probably need some sort of AU or forks-in-the-road plot to work, but they sounded too intriguing not to include them. As for Shado, I'm still mostly in denial over her death, but since this is comic book-based, deaths tend to not stick quite often.

Chuck/Bryce (but if threesomes are your thing, I wouldn't say no to either Chuck/Bryce/Sarah or Chuck/Bryce/Jill)

First of all, full disclosure: I haven't seen the last season of the show (although I don't mind being spoiled for it).

I loved the ridiculousness of the premise, and I have a huge weak spot for spy shenanigans, which were delivered in spades here. Aside from the requested ship, I loved the whole extended cast a lot, so I wouldn't mind this being an ensemble story if you don't want to focus strictly on a ship.

College era stories are great, and so are ones set later on--feel free to disregard Bryce's death, think up a fix-it, or bring him back. After all, with the amount of hand waving science that went on, in-universe people-reviving technology would not surprise me the slightest.

One of my favourite tropes when it comes to fic is an almost universal fix-it: have characters tell each other things instead of keeping secrets and see how much it changes what's happened--and I think it could be applied in so many places here, probably as early as Stanford, and it would make it a very different story.


I can't even begin to describe how much I love this show and what it's done with the source material. I was thrilled about Elementary's Irene and the recurring characters are all top notch--hence the Marcus/Alfredo, because those two are amazeballs, but the canon has only so much time for each episode and the side stories sometimes don't get as well explored as the main plots. (Again, if you want to write a threesome, I would say no to Marcus/Alfredo/Joan or Marcus/Alfredo/Ms. Hudson.)

For Moriarty/Joan and Moriarty/Sherlock, I love the mind games aspect of it, especially since these three are all equals now and able to deal as good as they get. Joan's and Moriarty's interactions during the kidnapping case were amazing and I love how openly fascinated by Joan she is, and how she's always testing the boundaries of how far she can push her.


The world building was absolutely amazing in this movie and the ending left so many possibilities to explore in fic! In fact, I would prefer future fic or AUs, since I'd prefer no underage Cassie.


This show is always such a rollercoaster, you never know what will happen next (except Fitz, you can always count on him being manipulative and an overall horrible human being). My OTP in this fandom in Olivia/Healthy relationship (or at the very least, a functional one), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed Jake doesn't turn out to be Fitz redux. The show is very good at providing h/c, both emotional and physical, but I could always read some more. :)

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