Ah, the Holy-Days have nearly come to an end...but we still have till New Years Eve to begin thinking about releasing any old negative patterns and prepare for a fresh start in the new year.
Guru Dev Singh Khalsa, the world renowned Sat Nam Rasayan Healer is offering remote healings to assist in this process. Here is the info:
Transform the energies of the past and open to the prospects of the future with Guru Dev Singh Khalsa!
http://www.gurudevsnr.com Group Treatments by Guru Dev:
DECEMBER 31: Bless and release the past.
JANUARY 1: Open yourself to the coming year and new opportunities.
$159.00 per person, one treatment ♦ $300.00 per person, both treatments
GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE: ask or email for details
To register and prepay for the treatments contact
The Center for Contemplative Awareness at:
fax: 323-436-0831
phone: 323-436-0264
Fax or mail Registration form
Methods of payment:
PAYPAL (Please add 5% fee for payments by PayPal)
Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, & American Express)
Checks and money orders payable to The Center for Contemplative Awareness
Please send checks/money orders to:
New contact information:
The Center for Contemplative Awareness
7529 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
It's been a few days since White Tantric and I've decided to eat a cleansing diet accompanied by a meditation for 40 days to keep this wonderful clarity with me as long as possible and also to keep opening and growing.
Last year I decided to try and attend one White Tantric Yoga for each season. Of course there is Summer and Winter Solstice, and we host one here in the fall, so for the spring I was thinking of going to New York. It should be great. To find out more about it and see if there are any in your area: www.whitetantricyoga.com.
It seems that I am not the only one who is benefiting from this shift in consciousness. Everyone around me seems more friendly and happy. Maybe it's just all the junk I let go of, but I am very much enjoying the change.
I'm making a recipe from the Golden Temple Cook Book right now, it smells so yummy! Mung beans and mustard greens....yum. Oh yes, and more yogi tea. :)
The pictures are being developed and should be ready by Friday, I'm as anxious as you are to see what turns out..!
Devinder Kaur