May 08, 2006 18:39

Ok so yesterday Ben said, "What if you came to Montana with me?" and we both kind of laughed and thought it would be fun and stuff. Now, though a series of very fortunate occurrences, I AM going to Montana! It shall be magnificent. Here's my next two weeks of life:

Tuesday: Finish 30 page creative project and turn in by 7 p.m.
Wednesday-Friday: Hang out like mad with my friends who are still here.
Friday: Senior party with my favorite Beckytwin.
Saturday: Graduate from college! Go out to dinner with family, grandparents, boyfriend.
Sunday: Leave for Montana with Benjamin in his death trap.
Monday/Tuesday: Arrive in Montana
Tuesday next-Tuesday next2: Have ridiculous amounts of fun meeting Ben's family and going hiking and looking at stars in his telescope and going to the cabin and generally not being in the midwest.
Tuesday next2: Hop on Amtrak train to Milwaukee.
Wednesday: Arrive on said train in Milwaukee after 24 hours of cross-country railing (not the proper use of that verb).
Thursday-indefinite: Find an apartment and a job.

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