Well I won't be around at all to post tomorrow or Christmas itself, but I really want to post about why Christmas is special for me this year. I think especially as we get older and Christmas (quite rightly) gets less and less about the presents that dominated the holiday when we were kids, we have to work harder to make each year meaningful.
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I actually realized not too long ago that I didn't really know how to pray. Having been raised in a relgion that wasn't really Christian, I don't feel that how I've prayed throughout most of my life is the way I should now that I am a Christian. A lot of my beliefs about my relationship with God, how I perceive Him and how He percieves me, among other things are different now.. and it's left me being confused about how to really communicate with Him. I've been doing some thinking about it, but I still don't think I've discovered the "real" way to pray that works best for me.
And btw, I like your Christmas realization too. This is the 1st xmas for me that has more meaning than solely being the celebration of Jesus' birth and I really feel what a gift indeed that Jesus was to us and how grateful I am to God for His time spent on earth. Thanks for sharing!
And to complete this comment
I feeeeeeel it in my fingerrrrrss, I feeeeel it in my tooooeeees... whoo hoo ;)
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