So, I've joined an online trading card game called Moonlight Legend. You can find it here:
Go check it out!
My username is Nekochi, be sure to look me up. :)
My Cards:
Normal Cards:
SM Opening One:
SMR Opening One:
Attacks and Transformations:
Aqua Illusion SV:
Aqua Rhapsody:
Beam Shower:
Burning Mandala:
Dark Fire:
Dead Scream:
Evil Queen:
Fighter Star Two:
Fire Soul:
Fire Soul SV:
Heart Attack:
Inferno SV:
Jupiter Crystal:
Jupiter Star:
Love Me Chain:
Mars Crystal:
Moon Cosmic:
Moon Eternal LV:
Moon Prism CM:
Pink Sugar:
Pluto Planet:
Power Kiss:
Sensitive Inferno:
Space Sword:
Therapy Kiss LV:
Trick Shot:
Twinkle Yell:
World Shaking:
Airport Chase:
Ami's Heart:
Charm Buster:
Daimon Rain:
Dark Queen:
Defenders One:
Drama Queen:
Fated Meeting:
Fierce Enemy:
Final Strike:
Furtive Warning:
Get Moving:
Golden Crystal:
Goldfish Booth:
Good Enough:
Guardian of Time:
Helios Revealed:
Heroic Rescue:
I Am Chibi:
I Stand Defiant:
Ice Princess:
In the Rain:
Jupiter Falls:
Kakyuu Appears:
Kiss Kiss:
Late to School:
Littlest Soldier:
Lost Innocence:
Love Heals:
Loves Lost:
Mars Appears:
Mercury Falls:
No Escape:
Not a Princess:
Not So Helpful:
Not Your Ally:
Our Flowers:
Our Mission:
Our Secrets:
Over the Edge:
Parting Gifts:
Rod of Love:
Save Everyone:
Secret Meeting:
SMR Finale One:
Stars Finale Two:
Strange Petals:
Summoned Droid:
SuperS Finale One:
Sword Appears:
Thirty Points:
To the Pole:
Too Familiar:
Torn Apart:
True Star Seed:
Venus Falls:
We Go Alone:
Welcome Home:
White Knight:
Wrath of Luna:
Xenian Rush:
Zero Gravity:
Battle Poses:
Double Moon:
Renewal Two:
100 Members:
200 Decks:
Four Months:
Happy Family:
Holiday Party:
Home Sweet Home:
Layout Three:
Layout Seven:
Layout Eight:
Layout Ten:
Legends Appear:
Star Seeds:
Trade Log:
starter pack: secretmeeting17, surprise12, trickshot10, angelic17, smropeningone05, notaprincess17, aquaillusionsv18, darkqueen14
passing notes: deadscream17, overtheedge04, catnap05, 2 Starseed Points
war: malfunction16, loveslost17, autumn05, finalstrike04, kisskiss17, 1 Starseed Point
mega memory: airportchase10, burningmandala04, dramaqueen02, legendsappear02, revitalized17, therapykisslv18, furtivewarning10, swordappears01, powerkiss04, venusfall02, darkfire07, mooncosmic20, jupiterstar02, notyourally20, lostinnocence02, zerogravity04, intherain17, istanddefiant16, aquarhapsody04, xenianrush03, heliosrevealed01, smrfinaleone15, aquarhapsody03, wrathofluna15, evilqueen04, summoneddroid08, beamshower17, welcomehome10, kisskiss13, toofamiliar05, ourmission13, spacesword03, spacesword13, twinkleyell12, 100members03, marscrystal16, betrayl18, firesoulsv13, 200decks04, goldencrystal05, nostalgia01, starsfinaltwo16, happyfamily11, whiteknight04, dramaqueen02, mercuryfalls15, layoutseven09, fierceenemy12, saveeveryone08, deadscream03, reawakening03, holidayparty19, revitalized09, loveheals18, plutoplanet12, homesweethome09, noescape02, layouteight04, partinggifts06, 100members04, guardianoftime12, fighterstartwo19, reunion15, guardianoftime11, jupitercrystal06, airportchase15, daimonrain01, oursecrets03, sensitiveinferno09, smopeningone16, wegoalone05, goldfishbooth01, notsohelpful02, layoutten05, mooneternallv15, layoutthree10, nostalgia13, jupiterfalls04, tothepole03, ourflowers15, thirtypoints02, defection04, worldshaking06,lovemechain03, truestarseed17, iamchibi08, latetoschool10, lovemechain04, twinkleyell10, 72 Starseed Points
jigsaw: goodenough14, legendsappear18, special coupon, 2 Starseed Points
relationships: burningmandala06, rodoflove14, 1 Starseed Point
puzzle: amisheart09, heartattack15, 1 Starseed Point
lost and found: iceprincess16, ourmission10, 1 Starseed Point
Slots (medium prize): 4 regular coupons, 2 Starseed point
freebies: getmoving13, kakyuuappears03, saveeveryone07, lightning01, littlestsoldier20, pinksugar03, talented17, doublemoon03, charmbuster17, happyfamily15, saveeveryone07, battleposes07, 3 Starseed Points
puzzle series(1): infernosv05, marsappears19
puzzle series(2): fatedmeeting17, moonprismcm14
puzzle series(3): supersfinaleone09, tornapart13
puzzle series(4): intherain17, sacrifice18
puzzle series(5): moon07, spring09, special coupon, 5 Starseed Points
Puzzle Series: fourmonths13, merry06, defendersone01, tornapart20
Puzzle Series (end): heroicrescue01, strangepetals01, renewaltwo10, time10, 1 special coupon, 5 Starseeds
warped: merry11, catnap02, homesweethome14, comics07, 2 regular coupon, 2 Starseed Point
Wishing Well: Choice Regular, Choice Special, 5 star seeds