Jul 09, 2007 01:15
It seems that since the United State's economy is competely out of control that innocent people are dying overseas and most companies don't want to hire teenagers. Is there something wrong with us? I may be of age (19) but the only jobs available are for people 20 or older or people with a degree. I'm sorry but I thought that because 18 is the legal age that you are an adult means that you are entitled to adult things. For example, porn and minimum wage. Once you become "of age" you get a payraise. but since no one is hiring people below 20 what's the point. I suggest that if they want to hire non-teenagers that the government should raise the age of adulthood to at least 20. I know it's unfavorable for the present 17 years olds who were oh so lookign forward to being able to buy porn, lottery tickets, ciggarettes, adn being allowed to go into a casino, but this is getting ridiculous.
Sorry for the ranting.
School is starting up again soon. Hopefully I'll do loads better than I did last time. I have as easier schedule and and living near some good friends. There won't be any of that awkward getting to know you stage that I went through last year. I already know lots of people and I miss them like a prostitute misses her pimp on payday. Everyone I met and grew to love is returning except my beloved Molly Kay. I really wish she would've stuck around to be my other half but her life is directing her in a different direction.
This summer has been boring but then again it has had it's great moments. I just wish things were better. This is the first summer where my family really started to view me as an adult and have even talked about partying with me. Weird I know. Other than that it's been the usual hanging out with friends summer. I was hoping that maybe something romantical would've happened but one guy who has admitted to liking me is beign a chicken shit and the other I know likes me but he doesn't want to ruin our amazing friendship. All well maybe the new college school year will bring a new relationship.