Jun 03, 2019 11:30
I don't know what I was thinking when I cut my hair after 36 years with long hair! No wait I do. Honestly? 'I don't want to be the same guy who the mother of my child left me for some fat rich Chinese college kid. No, I am going to become what I presume others want me to be, a respectable looking average Joe fuck with a Joe job to match, with above average intelligence. Wait I will start using high powered stimulants to maintain a level of intimacy with said baby's mama, which represents the foundation of chemical co-dependence upon which our unhealthy relationship was founded, cause I love her and am making a last ditch too little too late effort to show her that I am in fact not the inadequate and isolated uninspired welcome mat that her rejection made me feel I was. All the while just reassuring myself that I am glad she is happy, while ignoring the impetus to run to family court with my son's placement and shared parenting agreement as soon as I found out she secretly married this guy two months after she moved out. But, she says she has a busy schedule and her marriage is dysfunctional and she may leave him. I'll set a date finally coming to my senses yet trip all over myself and self destruct so hard a mere week before planning on going to court that my public display of poor choices shines so brightly in the eyes of family court services that somehow the huge fucked up debacle of it all makes her seem a far cry more responsible of a parent and by the way we won't press the felony charges on her for sending his son out of state without his awareness or consent because my god he has used a stimulant and was in possession of in a safe in his personal premises it unfortunately outside of being able to be charged by the police because of a blundering oversight of their own by opening a safe with consent of someone whom they told didn't have conscious ability to refuse consent to not be taken to the hospital from blacking out in a grief induced panic (got you pig hero wannabe fuckers) as the police threatened to kick in the door because of the anonymous call placed by the babysitter who was over with her child for a play date whom mister Hollibush admitted to selling marijuana to to said officers in his state of consciousness that was altered beyond rational all the while pointing out that he smelled alcohol on the breath and person of one of the emergency medical respondents which no one acknowledges cuz this guy is on some shit we rarely see in the town of madison police department. No, we will send the child home with this nice looking poor Mother who states she has cleaned his apartment that day while he was at work, lets in no way assume she was kissing ass and doing favors for the druggie fucking scum in return for high grade stimulants and who is just as high as he is caused they possibly used them together as her extremely dilated pupils would indicate, but overlooked and not even insinuated by the designer drug using fiend laying on the floor over there because he has a thing against being a fucking narc and helping useless scum fuck hero pig trash who give a pig a dirty name. No according to her she pranced out to go to the clubs or whatever dumping the child once again upon him as soon as she walked in and he seemed fine then. We will ignore his claims that he had the child every single night and weekend without relief for weeks from the mother in his off time who has no record so she must be a saint who has this fantasy waitress job at night she claims to still be working after marrying the fat well off china person. Who cares if the man works sixty hours a week and is so isolated from anyone because she refuses to allow the son around the mans family and she has not introduced her to anyone she knows but the babysitter she herself uses when she is forced to have someone look after the child during the day because she has been out of town the weekend and wasn't' able to make it to pick up the child Monday morning in time for the dirt bag to get to work on time. Instead he is forced to wait around to hand his beloved eighteen month son who he dotes over and rocks to sleep every night to a stranger who all he knows about is a pothead named Alison who works together with the upstanding mother. Yes and by the way we will assign a retiring judge to the custody case initiated by the mother so the fact that she committed a felony will only be remembered in paper and how on earth besides the lawyer the scum paid for would that fact be brought back to light to shed even a lick of proof on the poor young Mother, who by the way was as it was pointed out by the Grandmother met the scourge with short hair on the internet when she was just sixteen years old. They talked the Grandmother said, and then shortly after the poor girl who he was obviously grooming for some sort of interlude turned eighteen she arranged to meet our scourge, her disapproval must have been implied when the Grandmother, Grandfather, and Brother accompanied her to Wisconsin to help the poor duped barely legal teen three years earlier and told the scruple-less dastard that they trusted him implicitly with the safety and honor of their child and supported her decision. Things are just looking hapless for this buffoon who in the court process further grieved the loss of his son by pulling PTSD trip to get out of having to work so he could slum around homeless thanks to those spiteful hero cops who, upset that they couldn't get their big collar and had been made a fool by the man who proved that the mystery substance that they figured was some sort of bath salts because they couldn't get any lab results on what it was. He chortled to himself as he explained how silica salts could be used as a do it yourself humidor to keep the weed moist at the same time as add to the gram weight through addition of moisture to the plant material. How dare this lowly high school graduate who hadn't even attended secondary education feign to be any more than a chemically dependent lowlife who used stimulants of all things. The funniest part to the man bringing on the was how the Town of Madison Police Department used the Dane County CPS's up and coming moral crusading Jennifer Whatsherwhatever who never even did a line of cocaine in college to decrease inhibitions enough be socialize with the boys and lesbos to try experimenting sexually with the other fun loving coeds in her dorm. It was after all only a little harmless cocaine, or maybe even adderall. We are not talking about this most evil drug in the world that causes apartment buildings to explode and children to become spontaneously combustible and whatnot. Ignoring totally in fact that the drug in question is in the same class as cocaine and addderall, a stimulant and not a narcotic as it is commonly erroneously classified. Narcos meaning sleep, is the root of narcotic and stimulant which obviously means stimulates activity particularly of the central nervous system, as well as activating the dopamine receptors. Yes we will bring in this neo nazi cunt from hell who from her high horse threatens the druggo the day after the incident when he has been cleared by the hospital, all his story added up, Just one little detail mister 12th grade education, unless you tell this fine upstanding officer what this mystery substance in the plastic container was I will have to recommend that you be permanently be decreed as a danger to your son. Yes, mister short hair a lot of good good your little disguise as a well adjusted single father ready to meet and mingle your next floozy into being our house wench while you cook up these delightfully evil world dominating super drugs Cause yea, with short hair you will finally be in the same league as the girls that you thought you never had a shot at cause you were just some greasy metal jerk who scared them off with your shirts with the girls being fucked by pigs and or having lesbian orgies while cannibalizing each other. That's right mister long hair can't cover up a red neck and short hair can't mask a case of terminal moral turpitude, even if it is just subjectively considered artistic or in support of underground metals, it will be interpreted by our agency and with our recommendation to the court that since you don't have any holiday decorations coupled with what we construe as a danger to a child we will finally let you know this one straight interpret-able fact as we leave defeated from your apartment with our moral crusading heroic tails between our legs; I am putting you on a sixty day no contact from your son and his Mother. And yes, you make a valid point we should return to you the prescription medication which your doctor at your drug recovery outpatient program which helps people keep away from street drugs that are killing people in our city while we hound you and make you feel two inches tall, a bad father, a danger to your self and your community. Yes we hadn't considered that logic because we don't really care about anything but our own careers. And my cop friend which you correctly used your extroverted intuition to surmise was my classmate at some point in my primary education, because all cops need is a two week course after they complete a physical and no real education didn't attend university with me by necessity but as you gather in the case he did attend college he dropped out or quit to pursue what career he assumed would get him the most easy poon tang. My officer friend was sure that this no longer logically feasible, but we will look into mystery bath salts like substance was going to be something that would make headlines for his department allowing me to ride his baby faced pretty boy coat tails to the top of my own agency by sharing the headline. Had we really considered anyone's well being we would have asked the mystery calling tipster if she had considered recommending treatment to the father of this poor kid in a house with danger stuff that make daddy feel danger ways and give daddy energy to scheme with hitler and jeffery dahmer after working sixty hours blah blah for his plot. Wait for it! To poison the boys and girls of Madison and all the minor metropolitan city's in our country and get school hot lunches or whatever laced in a toxic stew of bath salts. Evil laughing daddy may have rectified the situation and seen that even though what he was doing wasn't objectively as bad as the fear mongering cops and kid helper kid girls barely into their first menstruation, what daddy was doing after he admitted to his drug recovery counselor and did some self reflecting was using the chemicals as a way to manipulate mommy into validating him for the one part of their relationship that actually functioned in his desired result of her attentiveness to him, which he hoped to transition into a resume of their sexual relationship using withholding of that thing, the drugs, hard drugs, lots of expensive mind bending hard drugs, not pussy kid shit like pot, but once daddy knew that he was passive aggressively denying her of the thing she obviously left him to get, access to, a drug mommy wanted he'd have her right where he wanted her and have Mommy do to the fat asian crybaby mustard tiger what hurt daddy's weak little broken baby tight buttvhole of a ego in the first place, what rich short asian fatso , using cars, and gifts, y which was have Mommy fuck daddy and symbolically throw it in his unsuspecting face while Mommy duped him into being worried about something far far far away from what she admitted she never wanted him to find out, is that Mommy's real love in life was the drugs. Oh wouldn't daddy be reassured of his adequacy now. No, don't save the chump from further self destruction, cause now what does he have to lose? A job that going to every day, reminds him of what he lost through his blind self destructive patterns. Why don't we look at the long term affects of what benefits the child might learn from being shown the example of how resilient people can be when they work through the issues finally which cause the symptoms like recreational drug use and abuse. See daddy learn self love, self esteem and finally put an unhealthy relationship behind him cause he realizes that no matter how his appearance is perceived and even though Mommy may not love him. he is in fact lovable. See, just like baby! I appreciate you for just the way you are and I invite you to express yourself in a way that compliments your unique identity, son. Daddy learned that by denying his spontaneous natural self and succumbing to the beliefs he believed others had about him he invited the worst of Daddy's beliefs to be created in his reality. I love you son. No, don't confront the Man directly and be a rational person who cares about families in the long term. Since Santa Clause and Superman are a fiction it's up to us to become the good guys who write Jesus's rapture naughty and nice list. If documentaries on Netflix have taught us anything it's that the most dangerous drug in the world emits an evil green smoke and that's all we really need to know cause we'd rather binge watch the office uk. Let's call the good guy squad and kick down this naughty daddy's door!"
Yeah that was the thought that made me to decide to cut my hair. I never knew it would manifest itself in this probable reality. What is this life for, than for the experience. I am not asking you to feel sorry, and I care a fuck less than zero if you fucking judge. Children are endangered and put at risk crossing the highway to get on the school bus and if I ever hear a one of you who reads this contacts CPS instead of directly confronting someone where you don't have evidence of a child physically or emotionally in danger or been harmed. In those cases call the cops, for the one job the cops should do. But if you are acting our of a moral high ground of fear. Break up a family, I will turn it into a mission to call to report you every single day your child gets on a school bus, or in your car to take them to get diapers. Cause I am a smart guy who has been manipulated by masters, I know psychological mind raping lol this is going too far and I will find out you wronged someone whose cause I support, I will make CPS take the moral high ground on your use of evil mechanical death machine torture devices that your willy nilly make them totter onto hoping for that oh yeah I was going to say I am smart enough to find the statistics, you hoping for them supported by the actual statistics which you all so love and pedestal up with jesus and the virgin mary's immaculate, or free of spots or stains conception. Which doesn't that tell you right there it was immaculate cause it is free of spots or stains of cum cause God spewed all that heavenly thick jism in Mary's tight tight virgin pussy and hence Jesus conceived. See I know words and I am smart and you will rue the day I made all the above mistakes and missteps that are stated above in quotes or whatever I think I used a single quote and a double quote, but anyway love you. Tits lips. What was your favorite part? Not of the quoted stuff that was real, unless you can detect the sarcasm and I am sure you are all like what the fuck, but yeah that's me and if you have any reading comprehension level that would equal a speck of flea shit to my dick the lesson learned by all this shitty events is by not being myself in the first place I invited my worst fears into my life. Had I kept my magic mane of hairs I would have been Jim dandy, but regardless I am the same and the hair was actually just a defense mechanism because I used to get picked on for having dumbo ears, and being a long haired new kid kept all the red neck little victims of alcohol fueled child abuse, of physical and verbal natures which is ignored by CPS and the cops cause Alcohol is a legal depressant drug sanctioned by corporate drips and society says its okay to change your moods as long as someone had a full time job and paid taxes we are good with the social discord with substances that are sanctioned to cause death, family chaos, in the above case bullying you get the point I am moving on. Jesus rapture list... Nice. Final answer.
Needs editing.