So, yesterday I went and bought a new camera for my upcoming birthday. It's quite nice; my old one was starting to get on my nerves because it couldn't keep the charge and needed heaps of batteries.
Anyways, turns out Tomoyo my new camera is really cool and can also make videos with an audio! So I tried to record one today, to see if it worked properly.
It, it trembles and sounds so insecure and whiny and stuff. D: I am not amused; no wonder nobody wants to hire me!!
Dude, why didn't anybody tell me this?! I can't stand it! *cries* When I worked at the call-center, customers even told me I had a nice voice. The hell?! I wouldn't buy anything from a voice like that!
/end stupid rant
Talking about cameras: here, have a shiny picture of (a small part of) my manga collection!! One is (quite obviously) the CLAMP shelf, the other is mostly miscellaneous stuff... DOES ANYBODY RECOGNIZE THE SERIES ABOVE IN THE MIDDLE (the one in Japanese)? MY PRECIOUSSSSS!! ♥