You Are Basil
You are a mild mannered person. People feel naturally calm around you.
You are warm hearted and loving. You have a close knit circle of friends and family.
You have the courage to be who you are in life, even if others disagree. You're proud of your uniqueness.
You are good at caring for and healing others. You are naturally soothing.
What Herb Are You? You Are Rewind
Compared to most people, you are nostalgic and sentimental.
You are drawn to the past. Your favorite things tend to be old things.
You like to replay events in your mind after they've happened.
You're the type of person who can watch a favorite movie over and over again.
What Remote Button Are You? I do kinda tend to watch movies over and over again...
You Are The Heart
You are very industrious. Working hard makes you feel good.
You are powerful and strong. Some people may think you're fragile, but you're not in the least.
You are steady and reliable. You keep going no matter what.
However, you do tend to react to situations. Stress makes you speed up.
What Internal Organ Are You? Interesting quiz considering my line of work...
You Are an Avocado
You are casual, laid back, and totally easy go get along with.
You are compatible with many different types of people, even those with strong personalities.
You are creative and inspired. You don't put yourself in a box, and you aren't into labels.
You are open-minded and diplomatic. People find your "middle of the road" ways comforting.
What Tropical Fruit Are You? I honestly didn't know avocado qualified as a "fruit", but it's quickly becoming my favorite... especially in sushi or guacamole =)
So yeah, enough quizzes... I'm married now, woohoo!!! Very exciting though I find myself a lot more stressed out now than I was before the wedding. Something about going back to work and working overtime 2 weeks in a row right after vacation + springtime allergies just doesn't go to well with me. And married life would be so much better if I actually got to SEE my husband more than an hour a day.
Still working on getting my name legally changed, not to mention everywhere else! Can't cash checked written to "Todd and Morgan Derr" or "Mr. + Mrs. Derr" until my last name is actually Derr. So broke, tired, and stuffy.
The family has a lot going on right now... My dad's retiring and going to work for a different company, and my brother and his wife are buying a house and moving back in with my parents while it's being built. That whole situation right there just gives me a bad feeling. Crystal's wedding is next weekend so I'm excited about that, but at the same time, no spare time in 3+ weeks is really wearing on me.
Even now for example, I'm exhausted and I have to get up at 9 to help my brother move stuff (ahh the perks of being an SUV owner), but this is the only time I have to do laundry so I'm waiting until the dryer is done to go to sleep. The poor dog is lying in my lap shivering (he gets cold really easily), and he obviously wants to go to bed. My husband has already gone to bed, he has to work in the morning (hence how he and I haven't seen each other in the past 2 weeks, our schedules have no exactly matched up at ALL).
So that's the update on my life... I only have 14 thanks-you notes left to write, and Monday I'm going to the DMV cuz I went to Social Security on Friday... and I'm on-call Monday night and then working Tues-Thursday nights, and then Friday going to Maysville on no sleep to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding. This will be the 7th wedding I've been in in my life. Just in case you were wondering.
Well the dryer is done now I believe so I will catch all you cats later!