Interesting Meme

Mar 02, 2009 19:03

Found this on a friend's LJ. Comment to this post and I will give you five subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this to your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

The five given to me by saibaby79:

College was always in my future. Since seventh grade, I was going to go to University of Illinois. However, in October of my senior year of high school, my dad asked me to apply to Illinois State University as well. After calling the music department at U of I to set up lessons with professors, I was told that I would not be able to study with a professor because I'm a music education major instead of performance. ISU however would let me work with all professors! I auditioned in December and got in two weeks later. I decided then and there to accept ISU. I am one of three people in my entire extended family NOT at U of I, and have begun to dislike U of I so much for how "amazing" it apparently is.

Why Did I Become a Music Major:
The summer before eighth grade, I was at a band camp. I was very annoyed at how the director was teaching the lesson and, instead of paying careful attention to the rehearsal, I spent an hour making up lesson plans. I realized pretty quickly that I wanted to be a band director. From that day on, everything I've done with my life has been in the direction of becoming a band director. I began observing every teacher I had, and started taking theory. I was so happy when I got into the best college for music education in the midwest if not the country!

Oh goodness! I'm such a bookworm. I can't remember my first trip to the library, but my first memories of the library always involved reading books. I memorized "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" at age 2. I was reading before I started school. In middle school, I discovered the classics. While they didn't always make sense, I enjoyed reading them. I got a job at a library in high school and have worked there part time ever since. It's been incredible! Honestly, I love books; I love reading; and I've decided to read a chapter a day every day so I can stay sane.

Golden Retrievers:
These are pretty much the only dogs my family has ever had. My dad had a Golden Retriever, Irish Setter, St. Bernard mix since before I was born. His name was Bowser and he was huge. We had to put him down when I was five. In fourth grade, we got Daisy, the wonderful Golden who died last year. My family couldn't be long without a dog, so we got Clover. My parents decided a second dog would be fun too, so they got Buster. Since then, I've been looking at tons of puppies and have decided that Goldens are the quintessential puppy and the best dogs ever! However, I will probably end up with mutts most of my life since I plan to adopt.

Religion (or lack thereof):
Most atheists tend to be the only ones in their families. Those would be my parents. they found each other, married, and had three kids. I was never really taught much about religion until around Kindergarten when I had friends who went to Sunday School and Kiwanis and all that stuff. People asked me if I believed in God, and when I said no, I was told I was going to hell. It was a bit of a rough childhood. In second grade, my parents joined the Unitarian Universalist church, a more liberal church. I decided around then that I would believe in god because I would have friends. However, after a year of trying, I realized that I really didn't believe in a god. I didn't like how all my questions about him were considered bad in Christianity. I was very curious about everything, and answers were either answered or at least not shot down as evil under atheism. Plus, I didn't like how a god could be so mean. As I grew older, religion made less and less sense. I didn't understand why I was considered bad even though I seemed to be nicer than most of the Christians I knew simply because I wasn't brought up with a god in my life. I did try to believe, but it just never made sense to me. At least I had family support if not many friends.

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