Freaked-out and Not Sleepy

Feb 19, 2009 23:39

Right before heading to a meeting, my roommate K, who has been quite sick, emerged from her bedroom. She looked so sick but she wanted food. I cooked her soup. My other roommate, A, asked if we should take her to the doctor, but we weren't sure. We were going to wait until morning. However, she still looked very ill, and I freaked out in pep band. Upon getting home we called the hospital and they said bring her in. K looked even worse. A pulled her car up to the door and I carried K downstairs. I've never been to the ER before... I didn't know they will come out to the car to take the person. I carried her into the ER. We didn't want to deal with an ambulance either. I'm glad we didn't... we probably saved her family a lot of money.

They kept asking us questions about her that we couldn't answer. She was sick last week, felt much better this weekend, then got sick again this week. She holed herself up in her room so we didn't even realize how bad she was until today. She has apparently been throwing up, and having diarrhea. She passed out during triage, she was deathly pale, and her BP was very very low. A and I spent two hours at the hospital waiting for any news. Finally, the nurse called us to the desk. She told us K's mom is coming down, and she ordered us to go home. She said she would have K's mom call us since the hospital can't legally tell us anything. She then told us off the books that we saved K's life, and if we had waited for morning, K probably would be dead. We're to watch all our signs now and as soon as we feel sick, we are to seek medical attention.

A and I immediately became balls of tears upon getting inside the apartment. After a good half hour of crying, I called K's boyfriend. He was at work and I felt so bad telling him, but he wanted to know. It's so scary though. The doctor's don't seem to know what's wrong wit K and she's basically my best friend in the world, and I didn't think she was that bad. She could have died...

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