I finally took the plunge and tried
my first pair of two-at-a-time, toe-up socks. It was the greatest thing ever!
The yarn is "Bamboo and Ewe" from Jo-Ann because I wasn't going to potentially mess up a skein of good yarn on an experimental knit, but I rather like it--bamboo blends FTW! I'm still not a fan of stripes, but the colour changes kept my interest as I knit in lots and lots of stockinette.
The toes are a bit, uh, lacy since I still have tension issues with Judy's Magic Cast-On, and I should have gone down a needle size to get "proper" sock gauge (my only size 3s are in a fixed cable that was probably too short), but they're still good for sleeping in or schlepping around the house in.
The very first part of the socks are from Melissa Morgan-Oakes' two-at-a-time toe-up book, and the rest are a hybrid of Fleegle's basic socks and the other pair of toe-up socks I've done. I kind of screwed up the bind-off, which is a bit tight, or I maybe should have increased for a row or two before the bind-off, but still, I'm so proud of myself!
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