knitting angst

Aug 10, 2011 10:06

I think I'm done with my sunrise shawl. I finished another project this past weekend, and really don't want to pick the shawl up again. Maybe it's because of the fineness of the laceweight yarn, or the thought that I'm only a quarter of the way through a million miles of this one repetitive pattern. (And yet the garter-stitch triangular shawl didn't bother me.) The yarn is pretty, but the pattern doesn't seem to be doing it for me--and yet what do I do with the yarn instead?

I won't actually frog it until I find another use for the yarn, but in the meantime I think it's going back in the drawer and I'll start my Traveling Woman shawl or my Palindrome fingerless gloves instead.

In the meantime I've discovered that you can dye your own yarn with not only Kool-Aid but also food colouring. I have food colouring! I have a Crock-Pot! (Actually two.) I have some wool yarn in a baby-blue colour I don't like!

Of course, with my PHR prep class starting next week, I might not even have time for extra-curricular stuff like reading and knitting until January or so. :P

knitting, angst, crafts

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