I have The Flu. They can't tell Which Flu. The doc told me that the nasal swabs are accurate between 40% and 60% of the time, so they stopped bothering. I told him that was fine, nasal swabs make me sneeze for five minutes. :P They gave me an initial dose of Tamiflu and some Tylenol to start bringing the fever down.
I have to go fill my Tamiflu prescription tomorrow--after finding a pharmaacy that isn't out. I'm off work for the duration of the treatment and until I'm fever-free--without Tylenol--for twenty-four hours. So I guess I'll be stopping by Monday (in a mask) to grab some paperwork off my desk so I can telecommute. Then I have to figure out if this is a continuation of my transplant FMLA (since that's why I'm high-risk in the first place) or a new case.
They said
mebil should be fine since he's got a normal immune system, but he has to be careful about hand washing etc. to avoid passing this to the entire choir and congregation. :P
I have texted Mario to make sure he feels guilty. He's supposed to be off too, but since he's head of the department he plans on coming back sooner... which is another reason I should stay away. :P
It also means I can't go see Ghostbusters in Columbus on Friday, or hand out candy on Saturday. :(