OK, as summer winds down and classes are about to begin, I often find myself reflecting on "what I did this summer." Sometimes I ramble about books that were begun and not-quite-finished, or projects that may or may not have gotten completed. I do have one BIG unfinished project that will need to be tackled with soon, since it won't be going away (brushing up on my algebra so I can pass the math requirement and move on to Statistics. Ugh! It's so boring that I loathe to mention it, but if I don't, I may let it slip my own mind.) Other than working on (but not finishing) my math refresher, I did attempt to read Aeschylus' "Persians" in ancient Greek, which I plan to continue during my next break (along with working on my algebra). But, enough of the boring stuff, and onto what I really did this summer, which was somewhat unusual for me...
I actually had some FUN! I hung out with friends and "family," and was the most social I've been in years. So now comes the process of picking out my favorite summer pics and writing out my tales. I'll see how far I get before classes start.
To begin the process, here are a couple of pics from one of my more recent adventures...
And just to be devilish, I'm not going to tell you anything about them...yet!
Heh heh heh...!