It's my Birthday today! *dances*
Am now in possession of really cool gadget, set of square dinner plates and a gold bracelet. *dances some more*
In other news:
riverfox, I've seen Trinity VII, have downloaded it and will hopefully get to read and comment this weekend.
GideonJones, you are an idiot. Call her. (And thanks for the card. *kisses
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And since you've been staking out my journal, you already know how old I am. Comeon, 'fess up, fair's fair. *grins*
(and Happy Birthday for last Sunday.)
And I don't know how to drive a bus, but perhaps it is time I learned. But as for the falling asleep...why would they do that?
Regarding the bus, I wouldn't bother; try a forklift or a nice farm tractor - they have lots of knobs and levers. As for Virgo being the sign of the anal-retentive (hence the falling asleep thing), I quote comedian Lewis Black (who shares your birthday), "the sign kind of sucks, really, and I don't know if it has helped or hindered me, but I am sure that stars do more than twinkle."
As for the bus, I was rather thinking one of those great big interstate trucks that you can sleep in. Then I can pull up at truck stops and have showers.
May I suggest learning to drive a yacht? When I'm 65 I shall roam about in a yacht, which shall be my sketchy tax-dodge and shower facility. It shall hold my books, my bike, and my ill-gotten booty. A sailor needs his booty.
(I'm not mentioning your booty, but I'm sure it will be ill-gotten.)
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