The eggs obsession continues!!! I saw the Egg Song on a while ago, but I didn't realize that it was spawned of an entire website dedicated to the love of eggs and the adorable little animations that result from that eggy love. ^_^ It's originally a Korean mascot and the Korean site is at, but I had trouble viewing the animations there, so I figured I'd link you to the UK site instead. Easier to navigate anyway. ^_^
Tonight I went to the grocery down Vermont, Ralph's, and picked up an 18 count carton of large AA eggs. I got them all home in the basket of my bicycle with out breaking one, which I was very proud of, and tonight I made eggs over easy for supper. I don't know why in hell they're called eggs over easy though, as it's incredibly difficult to flip an egg with out breaking the yolk. x_x I think there should be eggs over hard and eggs over difficult. :p I think someday I'd like to keep chickens, just to have fresh, healthy, yummy eggs every day. ^_^