Feb 22, 2005 01:18
So, just got back from seeing Constantine and I must say I am thoroughly smitten with the Angel Gabriel, if you couldn't tell from my brand shiny new icon. Hehehe...
There's just something about Angels who've lost their marbles that draws me. I don't know why precisely. Maybe because I'm one of those people who cannot conceive of perfect bliss and happiness and thus it gratifies me to see flaws portrayed in supposedly perfect beings, from a supposedly immaculate realm. Hell, we all know Angels aren't perfect by now or there wouldn't even *be* a Fallen Angel in the first place... but despite Old Scratch's precedent there seems to be this idea that Angels are perfect, nobel, blameless creatures. So characters like Gabriel from Constantine, Bartlebee from Dogma, and Hell, just about all the Angels from Angel Sanctuary, make me exceptionally happy.
Not to mention that gorgeous off-white getup that Gabriel was sporting there toward the end of the film. I am most irked that I can't yet find any screen shots of that baby. Hell, I'm having a hard time finding good screen shots of Gabriel at all. Oh well, all in good time. I'm seeing a strong potential for some cosplay here though. I've been thinking of cutting my hair again, and I wouldn't mind going back to a lovely strawberry blonde...
Meh, we'll see. But I'm sure hoping for a sequel on this one, provided Tilda Swinton reprises the role of Gabriel once again. ^^ So, to encourage the dear folks at Warner Bros. and Village Pictures to do just that, Everyone, go out and see Constantine!!! If we pump up their box office receipts they're bound to make another one! XD