VERY belated Top Five meme answers

Oct 05, 2009 02:27

This is late. So very, very late. (*shhhh* You guy's didn't notice, right?)

From beagleinspace:

Top Five Underrated Characters:

1. Mel [Doctor Who]

Screw you Who fandom, screw you too. It's been several decades, time to get over the Bonnie!hate. Oh, and Big Finish audio!Mel is probably one of my Favorite Companions Ever. As in, a few notches over Donna and very close to tying Barbara. YES, YOU HEARD ME.

2. Hishima [Tenchi Muyo - Hitoshi Okuda manga]

Because, as much as I like Yume, Hishima is far more sympathetic than she is. And I have a major weakness for characters that are torn between their loyalties and moral codes. I shall write Hishima!fic one day. Because there isn't any and he kinda deserves it. Yes.

Hands raised for those who thought this was going to be Yume.... Ha, fooled you.

3. Amelia [The Slayers]

Okay, not so much hate anymore... but back in the day it was alarming. And irritating, because she has always been my favorite Slayers character. Headstrong, independent girl who holds to her beliefs no matter who mocks her? YES PLEASE. XD

4. Silverbolt [Beast Wars]

Probably not as underrated as some of the others on this list, but I've seen a disturbing vocal hate!base for him... so on the list he goes. He's basically an adult, male version of Amelia really. Just exchange the justice craze for a chivalry craze and a mechanical body and there you go!

5. Zuma [Shadow Raiders]

If she didn't get introduced so late in the series, she probably wouldn't get overlooked quite so much. I've always liked her though... with her calm demeanor, wisdom, psychic abilities and very neat voice effects.

From spadeaceman:

Top Five Episodes You Wish Never Happened

1. "My Two Bobs" [ReBoot]

(Hey, it was a TV movie before it got split into four parts, it counts!)

You know the awful thing about this? I really, really liked "Daemon Rising". Season 4 was going so well... and then they end the show with THIS. This OOC fest of EPIC FAIL. AAAAARGH!

2. "The Night Before The Carnival" [Tenchi Muyo OAV series]

(Well, it says "episodes", not "whole wacking seasons". So I guess OAV3 is out...)

Actually, I just one particular scene removed. The one called "Let's Take All of morgeil's Shipping Squick Buttons and Push Them in One Fell Swoop Scene". Remove that, and then maybe I wouldn't twitch everytime I see the phrase "Tenchi/Washu".

Sorry, but there are some things I just can't ever, EVER excuse. Comedy!rape is one of them. (And I watched the very uncensored English subbed version of that episode before I saw the dub. At age seventeen. Yeah, you can probably imagine how disturbed I was. :P)

3. "Period of Adjustment" [Shadow Raiders]

Ahh, the one SR episode I pretty much totally dislike. And the only dud in the otherwise excellent, character-driven and much tighter-plotted season 2. I think a large part of the reason is that it came after "This is the Way the World Ends", one of the show's absolute best episodes. And they went and followed it up with... this.

And the comedy is way too forced. "Girl's Night Out" it ain't.

4. "Roads Taken" [Sliders]

Sliders has a whole freakin' mess of these, but "Roads Taken" just takes the cake. It's not the Quinn/Maggie stuff, as I'm actually fairly indifferent to the ship, really. It's that it plays like a badly written fanfic. Really, really, REALLY badly written fanfic.

Seriously, look up a episode summary. I dare you.

IMO, true Sliders ended with "Slide Like An Egyptian" and the destruction of the original timer. Season Four was "The Next Generation" and the rest never happened. Yes.

5. The Secret of NIMH 2

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's a movie, not TV. But I watched about ten minutes of this and was too horrified to continue. Seriously, it is THAT BAD. Enough that it's a much better "OMG WHHYYYY!" example for #5 than any another TV ep I can think of at the moment.

You'll noticed the lack of Doctor Who on this list. Mainly because it's a show that tends to recon itself ever five years or so anyway... so, if you wait long enough, whatever you disliked is likely to potentially get rewritten somewhere down the line. And personal, tailored canons aren't nearly as discouraged in Who as it is in other fandoms...

From vandonovan:

Top Five Fandoms You Just Couldn't Get Into

1. Star Trek

I like it, really. But there's something I just can quite pin down that's preventing me from actually falling in love with it. *shrug*

2. Joss Wheadon

Well, besides Dr. Horrible, I freakin' LOVE Dr. Horrible. But the Buffy/Angel verse has completely failed to grab me and Firefly suffers that same "can't quite figure out why because I should be totally in love with this" problem that Star Trek does.

3. Harry Potter

Less to do with quality and more to do with the fact that I have a very, very difficult time getting into modern-day fantasy. (The Dark is Rising, on the other hand...)

4. The Superhero Mega-Genre

I've tried. I've tried and tried and tried, but I just can't get into straightly-played super hero programs. The stuff closest to it that I really love tend to be subversions/plays on it. Gargoyles, for example.

5. Star Wars

Another for the "Doesn't grab me for some bizarre reason I haven't figured out yet" list...

Also from vandonovan:

Top Five Things Fandom Loves That You Just Don't Get (Fandom of Choice)

Oh, this is easy-peasy. For Tenchi Muyo, pick any five Tenchi pairings that strike your fancy and fill up the list. I'm so out-of-touch with mainstream TM fandom opinion, it's really not funny...

From tao_of_tenchi:

Top Five Fandoms You Wish Would End

Another easy one. Pick any five trashy reality TV shows of choice. The end.


Top Five Big Finish Audios (Any Range)

Well, I've only heard the Doctor Who range thus far, so...

1. Doctor Who and the Pirates
2. The One Doctor
3. The Veiled Leopard
4. The Fires of Vulcan
5. The Holy Terror

Will probably be subject to change as my BF listening is taken of hiatus...

Shipping meme answers forthcoming. They're already partially written up, so hopefully it won't take two months this time...

doctor who: big finish audio, doctor who: classic series, sliders, beast wars, the slayers, memes: fandom, picspam, tenchi muyo, reboot, shadow raiders

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