My tweets

Nov 13, 2022 01:58

  • Sat, 11:07: anarchistmemecollective: commiesuga: anarchistmemecollective: hadeantaiga: 2v62: hadeantaiga: Feminism isn’t “Women vs Men” Feminism is “Us vs The Patriarchy” And “Us” includes everyone. the patriarchy is the men btw. No, it’s not. The...
  • Sat, 11:50: I was being all diy about making a wood conditioner cream for my new antique sewing machine. I had beeswax and coconut oil melted in my double boiler and grabbed myself some essential oil to add to it. Thought it was lemon, it was peppermint… I don’t think it’s a bad thing?
  • Sat, 12:00: RT @ ItmustbeBunneez: @ oneunderscore__
  • Sat, 12:04: RT @ DavidNir: @ oneunderscore__
  • Sat, 12:46: avidlondoner: charlinelumiere
  • Sat, 13:37: catgirlapologist: catgirlapologist: catgirlapologist: not-your-favorite-blog: catgirlapologist: catgirlapologist: isn’t it insane though how schizophrenic people are viewed as violent and dangerous by the majority of society when in reality...
  • Sat, 13:38: agirlnamedalicefaith: Every dreamling accidental child fic (part 2) Mom at the play group: we believe in a natural upbringing Hob: yeah totally, engaging with her, keeping her active, all that stuff. Mom: right, and no screen time at all. Hob:...
  • Sat, 13:42: 📷 infinite-mirrors: of course. of course the thing that first got me drawing fan art some 15 years ago is the thing that would bring me out of a 2 year art rut. i love you amc’s interview with the vampire i love you jacob anderson i love...
  • Sat, 13:48: nuggsmum: darklydeliciousdesires: lalunanymph: The TikTok-fication of Tumblr and why it needs to stop before your fave writers are gone for good: 1. “Part 2??” Unlike TikTok, writing 5,000 words for a fic does not happen in 6 seconds or more....
  • Sat, 13:52: pukicho: groblinboy: pukicho: If ur a guest in my house then I promise ill be courteous and let you choose which hole we crawl through can we. go inthe scary hole please thank you The Him lives down there I’d like to crawl through the hole 🕳️...
  • Sat, 15:12: whiskeysexandlies:
  • Sat, 15:38: whiskeysexandlies:
  • Sat, 15:58: evilkitten3: catnipcryptidd: dollsahoy: elpalodelchurrero: metocoymerregusto: Wait for it Que weno is anyone going to tell the people in the notes who are calling the driver an idiot that they did not, in fact, wait for it? (or that the driver...
  • Sat, 16:00: johnpei007:
  • Sat, 16:01: almostdefinitelydying: thecraftybear: goon: this is the best thing to happen to twitter Honestly at this point i’m wondering if the muskrat is really that stupid, or if this is some elaborate filthy rich man prank we’re too poor to fully grasp...
  • Sat, 16:03: random-trending-posts:
  • Sat, 16:05: mysharona1987: When Elon is shitty and utter inept but his actions unintentionally led to Eli Lilly and co facing a massive dose of karma and PR backlash that might make them back down on insulin price gouging. “Eli Lilly and Co are reportedly...
  • Sat, 16:07: flightyfinch: official-lucifers-child: bone-and-brawn: erinlace: no no that’s a bop, i love it “Woman!” cried I, somewhat tearsome, “Who are you to stand so fearsome With your wavy locks of auburn hair and eyes of emerald green?” Quoth the...
  • Sat, 16:07: 📷
  • Sat, 16:20: lyinar: renthony: renthony: renthony: Steven Universe got blatantly and unapologetically cancelled by the network because the creators pushed for a lesbian wedding, and instead of going, “oh, fuck, that’s incredibly homophobic, we should give...
  • Sat, 16:34: saywhat-politics: UPDATE: @ GovRonDeSantis breaks his silence on the possibility of additional abortion legislation, as spox tells us late Friday: “We look forward to working with the Legislature to further advance protections for innocent...
  • Sat, 16:35: lastvalyrian: whiskerknittles: Losing it over the “2 ingredient pie recipe” I saw on Instagram where the ingredients are 1. store bought pie crust and 2. store bought pie filling. GIRL THATS NOT 2 INGREDIENTS THATS A REGULAR PIE 1 ingredient...
  • Sat, 16:37: 📷 greekceltic: Made time for this. Kevin Conroy was one of my favorite influences. The comic is a reference to the episode Beware the Gray Ghost, in which Batman needs the help of an actor he admired as a child to solve a crime. Batman: “As...
  • Sat, 16:38: whiskeysexandlies:
  • Sat, 16:39: 8ball-wizard: my mom was born on 4/20 in pottstown and smoked weed until the day she died. tumblr pls let me blaze this post in her honor.
  • Sat, 16:40: batancha: tell me where it hurts, oil and gesso on canvas, 48x36, 2022
  • Sat, 16:43: testosteronetwink: hotmeat89: cpineau1973: cpineau1973: blm1997: hotmeat89: heardbook: thetyrannosaur: hotmeat89: hitting-on-cullen: hotmeat89: penguitron: hotmeat89: lowtiermemer: hotmeat89: eastbayfatman: unbossed:...
  • Sat, 16:44: strongermonster: strongermonster: perhaps some will disagree, but i think the world got worse when we changed the colour of the night this is what i mean
  • Sat, 16:48: 📷
  • Sat, 16:49: hotvampireadjacent:
  • Sat, 16:49: transselkie: kingdeath000: kingdeath000: In the 70s - 80s we’d have bands that would write songs with titles like The Penetrator and the lyrics would go “with big bad arms / I plan your defeat / I search your hole / to put my meat” and cishet...
  • Sat, 16:52: escuerzoresucitado: I have a lectin intolerance… I am asking you for the ingredients list
  • Sat, 16:57: trans-girl-nausicaa: there is no “trans debate.” you either believe in the rights of all people to personal freedom, bodily autonomy, privacy, and self-identification, or you’re just a bad person. What she said
  • Sat, 16:58: 📷 yogadaily: (via How to Improve Your Mind-Body Connection - Spiritvibez || Curated with love by yogadaily)
  • Sat, 16:59: 📷 unclerippuascension: bogleech: This is a lupin III episode whose English dub title was “but your brother was such a nice guy” let’s go back to the vampire twin sister of jesus christ for a second i havent fully processed that part yet
  • Sat, 17:06: whiskeysexandlies:
  • Sat, 17:08: luisonte: …..COMOOOORRL????
  • Sat, 17:36: thecraftgremlin: We need to embrace the fact that the tumblr userbase is aging. What’s everybody’s  favorite kitchen appliance?
  • Sat, 17:38: creepygayuncle: ada-999: My GOD the twitter drama is exploding. As of today, here are a couple updates for anyone interested: The “insulin is free” tweet from the fake-verified Eli Lilly account tanked the company’s stock, along with the...
  • Sat, 17:38: porterdavis:ALTView on Twitter

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