got a cellular for my brithday yesterday
1st- got all my work from yesterday.. got a 80 on the test i thought i was gunna faiL!
2.3.4- went to mcc. there was a gay guy dancing which was quiet funny he got all into it..
came back 4th watched a movie
5. lunch talked to michelle.. in rrr i took a pic of roseanne which is my backround on my phone :)!
6/7th- talked to erik jamie and ralph like good old timess got in trouble ...ralph farted ...
7/8th- got balloons did retarted stuff
got a load of hw tonite.. on the buss i had 13 balloons by the time i got off i had 5 ..
marissa katie carly and I.. being cheetas
marisa. katie and carly praying
roseanne readingg..
today was eriks last day.. im gunna miss him .. now i will be alone in the front of the mrs.rutkowskys class with no one to make fun of her with