May 05, 2008 23:37
Hey kids, long time no see. Life has been so hectic these past few months, let's see. I spent Spring Break volunteer at the police station *grimace*, I've spent the last 3 weeks working on assignment after assignment for class, essays, notes, readings, and stories galore, and I started a guild in WOW (a really lame excuse I know).
Well right now I'm taking three classes, Women Studies (racism and antiracisms), Creative Writing (intro to fiction writing) and Sociology (some bs politics stuff that SUCKS). In Women Studies I have to write a paper every two weeks which is just boring, because there's only so much I can bullshit about jails and racism. Creative Writing is tedious because we have to write two 10-20 page stories this quarter and get them critiqued by the class, but we have to write a page long critique for every person which just gets annoying. And for the record I HATE politics, and for some reason I decided to take a Sociology class that is all about politics.
I've decided to switch my major and my minor, lol. When I get off my lazy ass and talk to the departments, I will officially be a Creative Writing major with a Women Studies minor. Why is this you ask? I am sick and tired of all these Women Studies professors who are supposed to be open minded who believe that it is always their own people who have it worse. The friggen head of the department who is Hispanic was supposed to teach a gender theory class, and spent the entire time talking about oppressed Hispanic women! It's just plain annoying! But unfortunately, I've invested too much time on these courses already so I can't just drop it all together, so I'm gonna change it to my minor and hope Creative Writing will make me feel better.
On a lighter note, me being the avid vampire fiction reader I am, I've FINALLY gotten around to readying Salem's Lot by Stephen King. I know right? What's wrong with me?! Well I'm still on the prologue but still, I'm working on it!
Three months until I turn 21!!!!!!