I won't say that I have eclectic tastes. Really when you think about it we all do unless you only ever listen to one genre ever. I can't imagine someone not finding something good that's outside of their norms at least once. "Man if it's not turbo reggae-jazz then it's crap!" (yes I'm fully aware those people exist but they're lying to themselves). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I have almost never not liked a song because it has been placed in Category X or sung by Person Y. The major exception is Justin Bieber, but that's a given. In fact it's unusual for me to say that I completely like a band because for the most part I only care for one or two songs instead of the group as a whole. Notable exceptions: Tears for Fears, Garbage (albums 1-3), Depeche Mode, Hybrid, Daft Punk, and mcchris.
I have noticed over the years that my tastes fall into two distinct categories. Thinking Music and Mindless Music. The first is all music that has a certain depth to it. I don't just listen to it, but I feel it and mentally move with it. Most, if not all of my creative ideas stem from hearing the perfect song at the right time. You know I really like a song when my eyes are closed (unless I'm snoring then I'm just asleep). If I'm writing I MUST listen to music or else my brain doesn't cooperate. Below the cut are some of my favorite Thinking songs.
http://youtu.be/cIE0wTFg364 (BOC - Veteran of the Psychic Wars)
http://youtu.be/H4mVecwflO4 (The Prodigy - Claustrophobic Sting (Narcotic Suite))
http://youtu.be/gkexA9cYAds (Hybrid - Choke)
Now as for Mindless stuff, well that's pretty self explanatory. It's the stuff I put on when I don't want to think. Anything from dubstep and techno to Echoes on public radio. This kind of music does the exact opposite that Thinking does. I find I'm more clearheaded and generally in an 'up' mood. As you can guess, this is what gets my body moving as well.
http://youtu.be/MmZexg8sxyk (MGMT - Electric Feel)
http://youtu.be/oT3mCybbhf0 (Mashup - Never Gonna Wake You Up)
http://youtu.be/y6Sxv-sUYtM (Pharrell Williams - Happy)
How about you out there in LJ-land? Does music do the same thing to you?