fic: the truth shall make you odd

May 01, 2013 15:05

Title: the truth shall make you odd
Author: bittereternity
Rating: FRT/FRM
Pairing: Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Words: ~4.3k
Warnings: for (large amounts of) angsty fluff. This originally started out as a companion to this fic from Reid's POV, but this soon took a life of its own. This can stand alone, so you don't need to read the previous story in order to read this one.

Summary: On a Sunday morning in January, Spencer Reid breaks up with Derek Morgan. Some stories begin at the end, but that doesn't mean they aren't worth it. Or, snapshots of Reid trying to figure out this relationship he has with Morgan.

Read it here!

feat: fluff, rating: pg, fanfic, character: garcia, feat: angst

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