Fic: Superheroes | Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid | Criminal Minds | G

Dec 17, 2012 16:43

Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid (pre-slash?)
Author: freaky_nea
Rating: G
Wordcount: 800+
Author's note: All my love and hugs go to elandae, who quickly did the beta! <3 I also dedicate this ficlet to dunderklumpen. Thanks also to the lovely people @ morganreid_cm for helping me out with information.
Author's note 2: Written for December, 17th for cm_de advent calendar and as Joker for de_bingo
Warnings: Spoiler for episode 809, Magnificent Light
Disclaimer: Morgan and Reid still aren't mine and no one pays for non-Twilight fanfics...
Title: Superheroes

feat: fluff, fanfic, rating: g

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