Oh just cause I can't leave well enough alone, and I just saw this kitty-maker on deviant art and just have to do it.
first link is of morgan and reid together. Personally, I think morgan is more of a big bulldog type. Just the type that would be picking up little kitty reid by the scoff of the neck and whisk away him away from danger. With little reid hanging in the air, going 'okay why am i in the air all of a sudden?"
http://violetfoxeyes.deviantart.com/art/Derek-Morgan-and-Spencer-Reid-162993323 Second link is just Reid and his purple scarf. I like him with a bobtail cause I think he would be that type of kitty. I dont know you can say he got the tail chopped off from a door accidentally closing on it and that's why Morgan(dog or cat, you choice here now) is extra protective of him now.