Title: I Need Sunshine 4/?
Rating: FRT for language
Pairing: Morgan/Reid, but mentions of Garcia/Kevin & Hotch/JJ
Summary: Morgan takes an opportunity to tease Reid. The team lands in Arizona and hits the ground running. Lizzie Rossi is hiding something.
Beta: None. Ah well.
ConCrit: Better than watching Reid suck on a lollipop (and that was pretty darned good)
SPOILERS: Some canon from all seasons. Many illusions to season 2 and season 4, mostly.
AN: CRAP! This chapter took a week to write! This chapter is mostly about introducing my OC Lizzie Rossi (Dave Rossi’s niece) and getting into the meat of the case than the Reid/Morgan relationship, but there are still some great Sperek moments here and there ;)
I'd take you where nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn ~I’ll Believe In Anything, Wolf Parade morgan/reid, nextboldmove, slash, fic, series