Don’t worry! I haven’t gone mad! Lol, but I had to do something, so I did this. I’m sick to death of the whole Tamara-Morgan, helpless-little-girl-needs-the-big-bad-FBI-agent-to-save-her, we've-sorted-out-JJ-and-Garcia-let's-find-someone-for-Morgan storyline. Haven't the writers realised that we don't like love interests???? Even Haley didn't last long! ¬_¬ As a Morgan/Reid fan, I think this development is HIDEOUS, but I bet Morgan/Garcia fans will agree with me! I wasn't happy about Will or Kevin, but at least they were kinda sweet and interesting. Tamara's just ... ugh *shudder*!
Anyway lol now that I've stopped ranting. Little vidlet to a brilliant song about WHY Morgan doesn't want anything to do with Tamara Barnes. =] And I see the first bit as kind of a tribute, because Morgan is ever so slightly AWESOME =] Hmm .... I honestly don't know what else to say lol. It's not my best work. It's kinda ... confusing. But, if you're a Morgan/Reid fan, you should get something out of this. I did =] Lol and there are a few Morgan/Reid hints in there that I enjoyed.
And Youtube have a problem with this for some bizarre reason *growl* so you’ll have to download it to watch it, sorry for that, but for a little Tamara bashing, I think it hits the spot =]
Download Link! 'I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby' by 3oh!3