Title: Did You Say Something?
Rating: FRAO
Length: 2926 words
Genre: Romance, PWP (Of sorts)
Pairings: Morgan/Reid
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Spoilers: None
Summary: In which Garcia makes a phone call and Reid is distracted.
A/N: Thanks to
runriggers for the very quick beta.
Did You Say Something? )
Comments 2
it was fun and it was hot. really enjoyed every word. you've written another fantastic story that was delightful. and i absolutely loved the ending. way to go reid for the sexual take charge-ness.
love it!
And, I was hoping the sex would be good, since it's not exactly outright sex as much as Morgan trying to get Reid to do it. Thank you so much again - and go Reid for taking charge for a change!
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