Fic: Did You Say Something?

Nov 12, 2009 10:44

Title: Did You Say Something?
Rating: FRAO
Length: 2926 words
Genre: Romance, PWP (Of sorts)
Pairings: Morgan/Reid
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Spoilers: None
Summary: In which Garcia makes a phone call and Reid is distracted.
A/N: Thanks to runriggers for the very quick beta.

( Did You Say Something? )

fanfic, author: ansera, rating: nc17

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Comments 2

hanyou_sensei November 13 2009, 12:35:31 UTC
why do i get the feeling that garcia knew exactly what was going on between morgan and reid? fabulous interaction between the two characters.

it was fun and it was hot. really enjoyed every word. you've written another fantastic story that was delightful. and i absolutely loved the ending. way to go reid for the sexual take charge-ness.

love it!


ansera November 15 2009, 03:58:57 UTC
Hehe, Garcia is smart like that. xD Thanks so much.
And, I was hoping the sex would be good, since it's not exactly outright sex as much as Morgan trying to get Reid to do it. Thank you so much again - and go Reid for taking charge for a change!


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