Title: Broken Vessel Part 9
Author: Toggledog
Rating: FRAO
Pairing: Morgan/Reid, Reid/OMC
Warnings: rape recovery, angst
Summary: Morgan and Reid attend a wedding where both overdo it on the alcohol for the same reason, but have differing consequences. My fic for the wedding challenge.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to all who r&r’d, so far. J Apologies for
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Comments 7
please post more soon x
Awwwwwwww ‘Toggs’,
Your muses, your muses (smile). EXCELLENT, as
always (broad smile).
However, I suspect . . .
If Spencer's mind was not so muddled, he would
realize that it was DEREK who has actually called
Jason to come over (wink). Reid should further
realize that Derek did so with the hope that he
would listen and take to heart ALL that 'Dad'
relays in their tête à tête. LOVE does ‘amazing
things’ in order to heal ‘hurt’ (wink).
Hope our Reid will soon come to terms with knowing
just HOW MUCH Derek does love him. The series of
rapes that Reid endured were horrific. Each awful
violation has left a seemingly indelible mark on
him. Marks, marks Derek is determined to remove
and replace each one with his own (smile). Here’s
to Derek’s loving interventions.
Thank you for sharing. This is another INCREDIBLE
chapter ! ! !
Ohhhhhhh my ‘Toggz’, I need more of your muses’
brilliance (smile). Please write soon.
Always . . .
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