Title: Broken Vessel Part 6
Author: Toggledog
Rating: FRAO
Pairing: Morgan/Reid, Reid/OMC
Warnings: rape recovery, angst
Summary: Morgan and Reid attend a wedding where both overdo it on the alcohol for the same reason, but have differing consequences. My fic for the wedding challenge.
Author’s Notes: Thanks to all who r&r’d, so far. Sorry for the delay
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This is S U P E R B (smile) ! ! ! ! !
It is understandable that Reid is in pain and helplessly tries to cope with
wanting it to end, when its memory is endless. For all that he has gone
through, he MUST know that Derek is being an absolutely doting SAINT
to put-up with his painful hurt.
Reid readily ‘fights’ with Morgan over the slightest comments and then
wantonly wants amends. His emotions are keening and are subtle cries
for ‘help’. With Derek’s past experience, he can relate and is doing
the BEST that he can to ‘get Reid though this’; however, it may be time
to seek, force professional assistance. Reid may perceive this as a
monstrous betrayal, especially in lieu of his mother’s mental condition.
Reid is indeed a broken man. Fear of having inherited her disposition
maybe fueling Reid’s ‘denial’ (wink).
Love this A N G U I S H, ‘Toggz’ (smile).
HHhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .
CAREFUL Reid, with the ‘fighting’ and then snuggles: “ . . . draping his
arm around his waist and placing his head against his chest . . .”, you
might be unintentionally forcing a hurt on your beloved Derek that neither
of you can possibly recover from (agonizing smile).
Know Reid [and ‘Muses’], Derek may be your ‘ONE’ . . .
“ . . . Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again
You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt
One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should . . .”
[Apologies for the length and shameless quote (shy smile)].
Always . . .
maybe fueling Reid’s ‘denial’" That didn't occur to me and makes complete sense! I'll def try and include it in the next chapter.
‘Toggz’ . . .
"NO, No, no . . . THANK YOU for this awesome series (huge smile)."
The quote is from the song ‘One’ by U-2; time I read this chapter,
I could not get this song out of head. So . . . (shy smile).
For ‘Reid's possible inherited disposition’, please by all means,
‘Toggz’, you and your muses most certainly may. I would consider
it an honor for you use 'this small thought' in the next chapter.
However please know, NO MATTER what you pen for the next
chapter or any others to follow, it will be . . .
" . . . EXCEPTIONAL (smile)."
Always . . .
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