Letter to my first and only love.:(

Feb 08, 2009 01:27

Hey guys,

Today isnt a post of me talking, and or ranting. Today is a letter that I feel I must write to my first and only love..

So here we go:

Dear Ben,

I don't know how, nor why you were taken from this great green earth.
However I do know that I must tel you something that I have kept in for the last 5 years. Now that your gon the only way I can see to tell you is to write it in a letter.
Benjamin Alonzo Unhderwood, I; Morgan Lynn Pimentel, am in love with you!
I know your probably thinking "well Morgan, why didin't you tell me sooner?"
Ben, all I can say is I was afraid to tell you.
I knew that you loved me, lets face it we talked every day. We both new how much we loved each other....
I knew that you didint want to get back together because of the distence, oh Ben, babe why couldnt we just try one last time before you past?
I need to feel you right now here! I need to feel your arms around me, I need to feel your gental lips on mine like I did that night.....
I just need you!
I can't stop loving you, and I dout I ever will.
We had so much, so much love, trust, honesty, we had everything!
We fell in love with each other about a year after we broke up, and I just wish we would have got back together even if it was for a day....Just one perfect day with you..
I regret not going up to your house for that one weekend like you and your mom wanted!
I just can't stop looking at pictures, vidios, and ETC of you!
I miss you!
I'm sitting here crying, crying because I'm in love with you, and now there isnt anything I can do about it!
I want to call you! I want to here your voice, my angel..
I'm in love with you! That's all there is to it!
There's so much I want to tell you, so much I want to be able to say.....
But I suppose here is wair I end this letter with these 3 words,
I love you!
Forever you'll live in my heart.....

With lots of love,

There, there's my letter, as I now sit here and cry!

I'm sorry all, but I had to post it...

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