It's so cold! Why is it so cold suddenly! I mean obviously it's October and all but I wasn't this cold yesterday evening :-(
I am however wearing my very prety skirt from the Jigsaw sale ♥ and it's thick and warm and lined... I'm still cold though. We've both advanced the heating to come on now AND
miretne has now switched the fire on (and is curled up in front of it with Quink who has, for the first time today, stopped yowling).
Had a fairly quiet day. Church this morning (and we got Hot Dogs and Buck Fizz because it was Network Sunday) and then
miretne and I went through all our piano and singing music so she can take away her bits to her new flat and new piano. That feels kind of strange to type still.
We then drove off to the wedding photographer to pick up her official pictures which are really rather lovely. I'll put a few of the official/my pictures up later under a filter (sorry to those who don't see them) and I've finally put my own up on FaceBook *fails rather hard*
So yes. Also I'm still coughing *sighs*
A rather lovely lazy Sunday all told though.