(no subject)

Aug 17, 2009 11:14

Things that are making me happy today (because omg I really don't like Mondays :P)

  • It's actually almost stll sunny outside so my decision to brave sandals was right for once.
  • I had a lovely Sunday afternoon/evening yesterday with miriammoules and co. and a very lovely service in the evening with them as well (though surely one of these days I'm going to learn not to offer to help until I am QUTIE certain all the jobs are assigned :P)

  • *♥ Jessica Ennis* Well that got the Worlds off to a good start!
  • hd_holidays is happening again thanks to two shiny new mod volunteers <3 sign ups have just opened.
  • Um.... other positive things? Well I don't know if it's positive but this story made me laugh: A study of messages sent on Twitter finds that 40% of tweets are "pointless babble". Only 40%? I'm impressed!
  • I'm told there are very awesome VividCon vids out there, I am rather looking forward to getting home and finding some of them :D
  • So yesterday I was flicking through September's Empire (on the train home) and nearly shrieked outloud because the first of their potential/top secret project things from Hollywood was Temeraire which is apparently still on thec ards with Peter Jackson and OH I find the idea of him making a film of that book more gleeful than I can possibly express.

(this list is unnumbered because I couldn't quite make my aim of 10 things :P)

Oh and also yesterday I saw Helen at The Globe with Paul McGann and Penny Downie ♥ which I will write about in a bit when I've made this Excel spreadsheet play nicely *pokes it*

twitter, sport, vids, weather, films, temeraire, bbc, harry/draco, work, friends, fic

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