So I noticed in a couple of places on my flist that Unpopular Fannish Opinions meme seems to be doing the rounds again. Mostly at the moment I think I only have one, and it isn't exactly unpopular so much as probably uneducated :P
I really liked Wolverine. I mean I REALLY liked it. It's shiny and has a bunch of actors I love and a good story and was kind of a fab origins thing and I'll go under a cut now but the key thing ptobably is that my entire knowledge of the X Men 'verse(s) comes from the films.
I mean I understand they screwed with characterisation to such an extent that even allowing for the fact that comic boook "canon" is a fairly flexible thing LOTS of people are annoyed but... but I fear for once being on the outside of the whole fannishness thing I'm still over here going shiny!
And "look Cyclops" (or rather "look baby James Marsden!" I keep slightly forgetting Scott's actual name) and also I was rather in love with Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber being brothers and *flails quite a lot*
My one problem was that they slightly forgot to explain why everyone started calling him Logan seeing as his name was James... I assume it was his surname maybe but IDEK
Mostly I was busy waiting for Gambit to reappear because OMG TAYLOR KITSCH! Wasn't he awesome? And there had BETTER be a Gambit film coming in which he is all lone wolf-ish except that he clearly just wants to be around Wolverine ♥ and I adore that he kept being all knight in shining armour-esque to Logan *g*
(oh and Dom! I mean I knew he was only in the start and kind of knew he was going to die but DOM! <3333 I want fic about that team quite badly but I fear if I go looking it'll be about the comic book characters rather than the ones I know, probably I should check)
Anyway. Yes. Loved Wolverine.
And whilst I'm posting things that I meant to post over the weekend we should talk about CSI NY because I KNEW I couldn't trust them with my Adam *cuddles him*
CSI NY 517 Green Piece
Stop blowing up my lab rats damn it! They did it to Greg and now they're doing it to Adam and it's just not allowed! Even if it did let him be all fabulous and heroic and climbing into the wreckage... really no more hurting him *looks stern*
And the other thing about that episode really ahs to be Danny and Lindsay getting married which... alright so I'm torn. I love the pair of them and I actually love them as a pair and the wedding montage was cute and I'm sure they'll be happy BUT she said no barely half a dozen episodes ago andreally I'm not sure I saw a very good reason for that to change into a yes. PLUS Lindsay's really big on her family isn't she? So she seriously just got married in a registry office with only 2 guests and none of her family there? (and incidentally Flack, at the very least, is going to KILL Danny when he realises he didn't get an invite).
So yes. Cute and happily ever after but also a bit wtf.
Sadly I never saw last wee's CSI *looks meaningfully at
And whilst I'm here DreamWidth people. Any of you who are posting unique content over on DW please comment here because I'm about to set up a reading filter over there before the cross posting drives me insane.
ps. ANYTIME I can start breathing normally again that'd be fine world *sighs*