I realise saying this before it was on might have been more helpful but now I can be sure of my reccomendation...
You should watch Beautiful People.
The new BBC show I mean rather than just attractive guys and gals (thoguh that too). I watched it for Sam Barnett (somewhere along the line I fell in love with the whole History Boys cast) but whilst he (more his voice) was everything I'd hoped (boy looks good in a waistcoat, apparently that's a History boys thing) I also fell even mroe in love with Olivia Coleman... also Meera Syal and really all of the cast.
And the soundtrack! It's set in the 1990s (well 1997 as was proved quite clearly at the end) and there were Spice Girls! And Simon had a Steps poster on his wall! (Specifically an H and Claire poster<333)
Incidentally the 1997 thing? They playe Things Can Only Get Better and I thoguht to myself it's funny how that song entirely means Labour and politics to me know considering I liked it long before that and then they started showing Tony Blair coming to pwoer and I realised it was a deliberate reference and had such a vivid flashback to the morning after Labour came to power andthe whole world glimmered and shone and everything reallly WAS going to get better and that was the only sad momen really in the show.
Anyway. I'll very much be watching next week I think.
ps. tomorrow is HOLIDAY and slashy fangirls and I may have had a glass of wine in celebration/preparation