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May 16, 2008 21:50

So. Supernatural.

Supernatural 316 No Rest For the Wicked

Well then. That was... that was almost impossible to watch quite frankly. Knowing what was coming (and I mean knowing as in of course Dean was going to hell, what else was the show going to do, rather than knowing) this feeling of dread that's been settling over me for the last few episodes... I which we'd had the proper full season but even as it was it created enough slowly creeping awfulness that reminded me of real stuff and *shivers*

And Jensen Ackles is one hell (no pun intended) of an actor. Jared is great too but Sam isn't given half as much to play with these days and Dean insisting Sam wasn't summoning Ruby? Hi voice broke only just enoguh that you could hear it but so you knew he was hiding it and <333

And then dying.... and Sam watching him...

Yeah there isn't a lot you can say to that when you're so attached to those Winchesters

(incidentally, Bobby ROCKS so hard it hurts, of course family's more than blood ♥)

And Sam's attempt at a goodbye and Bon Jovi (dying with laughter and aching all the while) and "remember what Dad taught you, remember what i taught you" which gave Jared a fairly good go at... that scene just hurt too much really to talk about it proeprly and I know I'm over invested but there it is (and knowing what happened to Sam when he was without Dean in all the trickster crap? still kills me)

Katie Cassidy, incidentally, was completely awesome in every way. I love Ruby as a character because of course she lies and schemes and all that and she gets frustrated with their stubborness and even if she never did lie of course they didn't trust her.

(and sad as it makes me to see, yet again, the Winchesters doing the right thing and ending up losing or ending up doing what they were avoiding, because Sammy totally used his powers, they do seem to like illustrating that there's a difference between the choice and the neccessity)

But back to Katie. Great as Ruby was her Lilith just... proved she could act for starters (which feels like an awful thing to say) and was creepy and powerful and GREAT and then running scared ♥

Can't wait to see how Sammy gets him out (and I do sort of hope Bela's involved if only to make me feels something other than disappointement and ick for her)

Gossip Girl finale on Monday (or Tuesday by the time I see it) and the CSI finale on Tuesday... I hate finale season almsot as much as I love it!


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