Elvis did NOT come to London, say friends Do you think Paul is happy now? ♥
And whilst I'm linking things yesterday I discovered a nice antidote to a recent discussion I'd seen about reading authors (fanfic or original) who then turn out to be complete prats with beliefs you just wish you'd never heard about (I'm looking at you Orson Scott Card)... Alright I lost my thread. ANYWAY. Tamora Pierce is all kinds of awesome and
blogs about feminism. (incidentally there's a long thread in there about feminism and women of colour that I'd kind of like to talk about when less fuzzy and convicned that everything I type is not quite saying what i want it to but WHATEVER I still think Tammy's right 100%)
Also Hotel Chocolat have got a new chocolate called Boozy Bumblebee which they were sampling today and honey AND chocolate AND alcohol oh my (though slightly too much brandy in it if I'm being picky and I wouldn't have taken one at lunchtime if I'd realised that *coughs*)
Dear weather. Stop it. Right this instant (no really, stick like youa re right now and all will be forgiven but the thunder and the showers and all? Getting old)
PS if you live in London or one of the 159 places where there are Council elections taking place today GO VOTE *glares*