Oh House <3 I do love you quite a lot sometimes as a show.
Ok. So the main thing? Look at me actually liking Cameron! I mean seriously, she had great lines and actually some points this week and I am reassured by my liking her because it means I ahd reasons before and was not just a crazy person.
Actually they were all rather shiny in that episode even Cuddy and her negative pregnancy test and her faith over and over that House will actually do as she says. And Foreman was kind of sweet to actually and Chase is rather wonderful in his total admission of his lack of morals but also the look he gave Foreman and then House and yay ducklings
And Wilson/House actually is horrendously close to canon and getting worse and yes I was all about the friendship and sometimes I pretend I never started seeing the slash but they do it deliberately because Wilson almost thought House was asking him on a weekend away... and Wilson asked for permission to do the biopsy for him... and Wilson just oh Wilson and House and Wilsons messed up marriages and it's all genius.
And I hate Tritter already but interestingly
miretne was being very critical of House in those scenes and now I'm wondering if the Tritter hate is all ingrained from what people have said to me. Mostly I think he's the biggest jerk in the history of ever though.
So that was rambling and pointless. I meant to post before by the way about 304 and the autistic kid because that ending? Pure sap and yet totally had me tearing up and Wilson was there with him <3
I'm going to go and sleep now. Hopefully.