Nov 13, 2005 22:16
I'm back.
Not that i went away for very long but it sort of feels lie it. The Midlands Gather was fabulous and there was lots of tea and cookies and more tea and then some books and it finished (for me anyway) in Lush which was pretty much perfect. I did however get told to pay a fine for bein late but unlike the real CS girls I couldn't find a magic fine box floating around so I haven't yet which probably gets me an order mark too!
I also then cleverly managed to visit Warwick on the weekend that everyone I knew wasn't there, well except for the person I was staying with and we had two bottles of wine and a good natter (and did the torygraph crossword during the two bottles of wine, be impressed!) so it's been a shiny weekend all in all.
I have completely failed to do any writing though which starting to get a bit scary because although there is no NaNo there is dearsanta and hploveletters and 20_claims and I've got to write more Homecoming plus I really should sign up to the HIGNFY thingy. I will pretend this was a deliberate weekend off though and then feel better.
icon in honour of the return of Top Gear, he really did do the joke that bombed on HIGNFY and they all laughed which says something. Also Hammond was wet and shivery and I wanted to give him a big cuddle, or let May cuddle him in the candlelight. I am not in anyway slashing the Top Gear presnters you understand...
top gear,