(no subject)

Dec 25, 2018 01:41

I know I've been a bit absent but ahead of the first Christmas Day I won't be having lunch at home (because my sister & her husband are hosting) here are a few of the silly, small things that always make me smile on Christmas Eve.

Seeing the cows (& sometimes calves) at the farm we collect our turkey from.

Discovering everyone's Christmas jumpers, hats, necklaces and other decorative clothing at the Crib Service (and that's just the sidesmen)

Away in a Manger with glowsticks waving like we're directing a plane in to land.

Being able to hand someone a glowstick, usually just as the service ends, and tell them it's free and it's been blessed and happy Christmas.

Mum's once a year home made Pork Pie.

A bath in the middle of the evening (this year I had to substitute a Karma bubble bar for my usual Christmas Eve one).

The moment the choir start singing the Schubert Mass in G and I know Christmas is really close.

The moment at the Peace in Midnight Mass when everyone spots we're past midnight.

Coming home after Midnight Mass for a glass of whiskey and a browse of the #clergymaltclub tag on twitter.

Happy Christmas everyone!

This entry was originally posted at https://morganmuffle.dreamwidth.org/1412768.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

#clergymaltclub, alcohol, the abbey, christmas, music

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