Happy New Year everyone :-)
Full look back at my year in books to come but December was a pretty good month for reading even if some of the books were really quite short *g*
- League of Dragons - Naomi Novik
- Drowned Worlds - Jonathan Strahan (ed)
- The Circle - Dave Eggers
- Little Book of Advent - Canon Arthur Howells
- The Secret Christmas: An Anthology of the Deeper Meanings of Christmas - Terence Handley-MacMath
- The Ladybird Book of Boxing Day - Jason Hazeley & Joel Morris
- he Ladybird Book of the Meeting - Jason Hazeley & Joel Morris
- The Carols of Christmas: A Celebration of the Surprising Stories Behind Your Favorite Holiday Songs - Andrew Gant
December reviews
League of Dragons - Naomi Novik It feels weird that series is over and in a lot of ways I feel like there was SO much more to say and yet I was pretty happy with the endings the characters I loved got either because they were good in-and-of themselves or because they left worlds of possibility open. I do need to reread some of the middle books again though I think to look back over some plot strands.
Drowned Worlds - Jonathan Strahan (ed) Well that was terrifying. I mean this was not a book to read shortly after Trump's election because about three quarters of the stories sounded worryingly possible and the other quarter were only mildly improbably. They're very good though and there's a wonderful range of ways in which our climate could become a complete disaster. Another great collection to bring me to new authors too.
The Circle - Dave Eggers Aaaaaaand then I decided to terrify myself even more by reading a book about the internet and social media and our entire lives becoming common property and I haven't been this chilled by a book for a while. Though, as my brother said as we discussed it afterwards, Eggers doesn't actually know how to START a book which is a minor problem.
Little Book of Advent - Canon Arthur Howells This was my Advent book this year and it's actually a collection of meditations from different authors so it was a little hit and miss. Mostly I need to go away and read more of Delia Smith's books which isn't a thing I thought I'd be saying but her days were very good.
The Secret Christmas: An Anthology of the Deeper Meanings of Christmas - Terence Handley-MacMath THIS was my family's Advent readings and it is a complete mix of religious and secular readings, poems and passages from novels and complete non-fiction. It introduced us to a new Gerard Manly Hopkins' poem and a lot of GK Chesterton I hadn't read before at least one passage of which saved my sanity in early December.
The Ladybird Book of Boxing Day - Jason Hazeley & Joel Morris I guess counting these might be cheating but they are books and I did recognise a worrying amount of this one.
The Ladybird Book of the Meeting - Jason Hazeley & Joel Morris Meanwhile The Meeting has been quoted a LOT by my family since my Dad got this for this birthday. I'm still amused by these Ladybird books which is good considering they don't seem to be disappearing anytime soon.
The Carols of Christmas: A Celebration of the Surprising Stories Behind Your Favorite Holiday Songs - Andrew Gant We were given this last year but by the time it got round to me it was late January and didn't feel quite right so I saved it for this year and I'm glad I remembered it because this is full of wonderful little stories and traditions and bits of Christmas trivia and I hugely enjoyed reading it. Plus it might make me look more favourably at some carols next year.
Oh and whilst I'm here my Yuletide story was a Stand By Me story:
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