(no subject)

Dec 17, 2014 12:21

I realised earlier I never actually wrote anything about seeing The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies on Friday. I was VERY glad we found a 2D showing, definitely going to be sticking with my ban on 3D films as far as possible in future! I enjoyed it too, I mean these films are never going to be the same as LOTR for me (not least because of the unfortunate casting) but they're still so beautifully made and I am sad that there's unlikely to ever be anymore.

Still maybe Peter Jackson will make Temeraire next!

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

I think because the Hobbit films are so expanded from the book I found myself treating them very much as separate entities which is what I wanted to be able to do with LOTR but never quite could. Of course there they were removing things and here they were adding them which maybe is part of the difference too. Anyway mostly I'm going to talk about the film just as a film without comparisons because I feel they're so different!

I liked the way it started straight in with the action of Smaug attacking Lake Town although it DID make me have a moment of "did we REALLY need to split this into three films?!" They did a good job of showing the full horror of the destruction (and yet still a nice comic ending for the Master *rolls eyes*)

Things I liked particularly include the Elves. Just in general but also specifically Thranduil being just as show-offy in his fighting style as Legolas (like father like son apparently <3)(I mean seriously, that manoeuvre the elves do as Thranduil rides through can't be practical!?) and also Legolas being actually really REALLY great about the woman he loved being in love with a dwarf... I mean he's clearly disappointed but he never once says so to her and he absolutely has her back throughout and is willing to stand up to his Dad over it. Speaking of which I also adored Thranduil telling Legolas to go look for Aragorn and the Fellowship theme playing ♥

And of course I loved the Dwarves and their reaction to Thorin going slowly crazy, the way they seem to sort of will him better and want to follow his instructions even as they get sadder and sadder as it becomes obvious he's losing it and then their joy at the arrival of Dain (who I had ENTIRELY forgotten was played by Billy Connolley until I heard his voice *g*) and that complicated thing of him being their King but being is more before they win the mountain than afterwards. Also I am always weak for glorious last stands EXCEPT...

I mean I get choked up just thinking about Fili & Kili's deaths in the book and even with the addition of Tauriel I felt they got the tone of that right but I just felt sick from the moment they set off up the mountain and Fili landing at Kili's feet broke my heart.

(what broke my heart worse was Bilbo cradling Thorin's body, Tauriel cradling Kili's body and somewhere out there on the ice Fili lying dead and alone... my poor baby

films, the hobbit, lotr

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