*deletes rant about the colour pink* It's Gaudete Sunday which means lots of great hymns this morning and also means it's the 3rd Sunday of Advent and Christmas is only 10 days away and DON'T PANIC.
I had another lovely day though- church followed by coffee with my goddaughter & her family followed by lunch with
seiyaharris and then mulled wine and/or cider as we wandered through the Bankside Christmas market <3
Then we met up with
saffronra to see Daniel Boys in conversation with Ed Seckerson at the Charing Cross Theatre.
Singular Sensation: Daniel Boys @ Charing Cross Theatre
Miraculously Daniel was really not all that ramble-y at all although the pair of them are both awful for "I won't say" *pause* *says the thing* and Ed in particular is not at all discrete which is always fun.
I love these Singular Sensation things because they're so relaxed and just like overhearing a conversation between friends/two interesting people and so they talked about Broadway actors coming over here (and vice versa) and why Book of Mormon only casts Americans in the lead and they chatted about who Daniel might play in the future and whether perhaps he needs to embrace the comic side of his talent and particularly look at some more character parts rather than his adored ballads <3
He sang Something's Coming and No Day But Today (which always makes me choke up) and ... a thing from Carousel *looks it up* If I Loved You and he also sang a piece he'd written for his Music A-Level which was surprisingly good actually.
He also talked about Avenue Q and then it turned out he'd borrowed the Rod puppet and Ed interviewed HIM for a bit (all the while bemusedly saying "I'm talking to a puppet") and then Daniel did My Girlfriend From Canada <333 The guy who trained them with the puppets happened to be there too and said Daniel still got it right *g*
He talked quite a bit about Any Dream and how the process had been and how he'd found out afterwards that the judges watched the dress rehersal, gave honest comments and then the producers helped turns those into whatever the story of the week was and Daniel said he's play the game better next time but he's still really positive about it and the help John Barrowman gave him afterwards and apparently he still texts Graham Norton which was sweet.
(and then they talked about how one of the Joseph's- Craig- is now a porn star and just won an award for "Down On Abby"... porn titles are so good/bad)
He finished up by talking about the fact that he's going to crowdfund his next album (I hope it works!) and then he sang Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas *sighs happily*
14. Read at school Well I read a lot of books in school, I assume they mean a book we actually studied though? Hmmm although I didn't find studying books at school made me hate them (unless I already disliked them *coughSilasMarnercough*) it does make you look at them very differently! But I think the one book I'd probably never have read if I didn't read it for school and then really enjoyed would have to be Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres. It's such a fascinating book with its different viewpoints and focus characters (the film is sweet but misses all the best bits of the book I fear) and I really liked discovering it with my class for once! Though it does suffer (imo) from an Epilogue that needs removing (like so many other books!)